Package 'mclm'

Title: Mastering Corpus Linguistics Methods
Description: Read, inspect and process corpus files for quantitative corpus linguistics. Obtain concordances via regular expressions, tokenize texts, and compute frequencies and association measures. Useful for collocation analysis, keywords analysis and variationist studies (comparison of linguistic variants and of linguistic varieties).
Authors: Dirk Speelman [aut], Mariana Montes [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Mariana Montes <[email protected]>
License: GPL-2
Built: 2025-03-12 04:44:59 UTC

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Coerce object to character


This method turns its argument x, or at least part of the information in it, into a character vector.


as_character(x, ...)

## Default S3 method:
as_character(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 're'
as_character(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'tokens'
as_character(x, ...)



Object to coerce to character


Additional arguments


Object of class character


(tks <- tokenize("The old man and the sea."))
as_character(tks) # turn 'tokens' object into character vector
as.character(tks) # alternative approach


regex <- re("(?xi) ^ .*")
as_character(regex) # turn 're' object into character vector
as.character(regex) # alternative approach

Coerce data frame to a concordance object


This function coerces a data frame to an object of the class conc.


as_conc(x, left = NA, match = NA, right = NA, keep_original = FALSE, ...)



A data frame.


The name of the column in x that contains the left co-text of the concordance. Is, then this column is assumed to have the name "left".


The name of the column in x that contains the match of the concordance. Is, then this column is assumed to have the name "match".


The name of the column in x that contains the right co-text of the concordance. Is, then this column is assumed to have the name "right".


Logical. If the values of left, match or right are not NA, should the original names of those columns be kept in the conc object.


Additional arguments.


Object of class conc, a kind of data frame with as its rows the matches and with the following columns:

  • glob_id: Number indicating the position of the match in the overall list of matches.

  • id: Number indicating the position of the match in the list of matches for one specific query.

  • source: Either the filename of the file in which the match was found (in case of the setting as_text = FALSE), or the string '-' (in case of the setting as_text = TRUE).

  • left: The left-hand side co-text of each match.

  • match: The actual match.

  • right: The right-hand side co-text of each match.

It also has additional attributes and methods such as:

An object of class conc can be merged with another by means of merge_conc(). It can be written to file with write_conc() and then read with read_conc(). It is also possible to import concordances created by means other than write_conc() with import_conc().


(conc_data <- conc('A very small corpus.', '\\w+', as_text = TRUE))
df <-

Coerce object to a data frame


as_data_frame() is an alternative to A number of objects in mclm can be turned into dataframes with one of these functions.


as_data_frame(x, row.names = NULL, optional = FALSE, ...)

## Default S3 method:
as_data_frame(x, row.names = NULL, optional = FALSE, ...)

## S3 method for class 'assoc_scores', ...)

## S3 method for class 'conc', ...)

## S3 method for class 'fnames', ...)

## S3 method for class 'freqlist', row.names = NULL, optional = FALSE, ...)

## S3 method for class 'details.slma', ...)

## S3 method for class 'slma', ...)

## S3 method for class 'tokens', ...)

## S3 method for class 'types', ...)



Object to coerce to data.frame.


NULL or a character vector giving the rownames for the dataframe.


Logical. If TRUE, setting rownames and converting column names is optional (see


Additional arguments


Object of class data.frame


# for an assoc_scores object ---------------------
a <- c(10,    30,    15,    1)
b <- c(200, 1000,  5000,  300)
c <- c(100,   14,    16,    4)
d <- c(300, 5000, 10000, 6000)
types <- c("four", "fictitious", "toy", "examples")
(scores <- assoc_abcd(a, b, c, d, types = types))

# for a conc object ------------------------------
(conc_data <- conc('A very small corpus.', '\\w+', as_text = TRUE))

# for an fnames object ---------------------------
cwd_fnames <- as_fnames(c('file1', 'file2'))

# for a freqlist, types or tokens object ---------
toy_corpus <- "Once upon a time there was a tiny toy corpus.
  It consisted of three sentences. And it lived happily ever after."
(flist <- freqlist(toy_corpus, as_text = TRUE))

(flist2 <- keep_re(flist, "^..?$"))

(toks <- tokenize(toy_corpus))

(toks <- tokenize(toy_corpus))

Coerce object to 'fnames'


This function coerces a character vector into an object of class fnames.


as_fnames(x, remove_duplicates = TRUE, sort = TRUE, ...)



A character vector (or a freqlist object!)


Boolean. Whether duplicates should be removed.


Boolean. Whether the output should be sorted.


Additional arguments.


An object of class fnames.



Coerce table to a frequency list


This function coerces an object of class table to an object of class freqlist.


as_freqlist(x, tot_n_tokens = NULL, sort_by_ranks = TRUE)



Object of class table or named numeric vector that will be interpreted as such.


Number representing the total number of tokens in the corpus from which the frequency list is derived. When tot_n_tokens is NULL, this total number of tokens will be taken to be the sum of the frequencies in x.


Logical. If TRUE, the items in the frequency list are sorted by frequency rank. If FALSE, the items in the frequency list, depending on the input type, either are sorted alphabetically or are not sorted at all.


An object of class freqlist, which is based on the class table. It has additional attributes and methods such as:

Additional manipulation functions include type_freqs() to extract the frequencies of different items, freqlist_merge() to combine frequency lists, and freqlist_diff() to subtract a frequency list from another.

Objects of class freqlist can be saved to file with write_freqlist(); these files can be read with read_freqlist().

See Also



toy_corpus <- "Once upon a time there was a tiny toy corpus.
It consisted of three sentences. And it lived happily ever after."

## make frequency list in a roundabout way
tokens <- tokenize(toy_corpus)
flist <- as_freqlist(table(tokens))

## more direct procedure
freqlist(toy_corpus, as_text = TRUE)

## build frequency list from scratch: example 1
flist <- as_freqlist(c("a" = 12, "toy" = 53, "example" = 20))

## build frequency list from scratch: example 2
flist <- as_freqlist(c("a" = 12, "toy" = 53, "example" = 20),
                     tot_n_tokens = 1300)

Coerce object to a numeric vector


This generic method turns its first argument x or at least part of the information in it into a numeric object. It is an alternative notation for base::as.numeric().


as_numeric(x, ...)

## Default S3 method:
as_numeric(x, ...)



An object to coerce.


Additional arguments.


A numeric vector.


(flist <- freqlist(tokenize("The old story of the old man and the sea.")))

# extract frequency counts from a frequency list

# preferable alternative

Coerce object to class tokens


This function coerces a character object or another object that can be coerced to a character into an object of class tokens.


as_tokens(x, ...)



Object to coerce.


Additional arguments (not implemented).


An object of class tokens.


toy_corpus <- "Once upon a time there was a tiny toy corpus.
It consisted of three sentences. And it lived happily ever after."

tks <- tokenize(toy_corpus)
print(tks, n = 1000)

print(as_tokens(tks[3:12]), n = 1000)

Coerce object to a vector of types


This function coerces an object, such as a character vector, to an object of class types.


as_types(x, remove_duplicates = TRUE, sort = TRUE, ...)



Object to coerce


Logical. Should duplicates be removed from x prior to coercing to a vector of types.


Logical. Should x be alphabetically sorted prior to coercing to a vector of types; this argument is ignored if remove_duplicates is TRUE, because the result of removing duplicates is always sorted.


Additional arguments (not implemented)


An object of the class types, which is based on a character vector. It has additional attributes and methods such as:

An object of class types can be merged with another by means of types_merge(), written to file with write_types() and read from file with write_types().

See Also



toy_corpus <- "Once upon a time there was a tiny toy corpus.
It consisted of three sentences. And it lived happily ever after."

flist <- freqlist(toy_corpus, re_token_splitter = "\\W+", as_text = TRUE)
print(flist, n = 1000)
(sel_types <- as_types(c("happily", "lived", "once")))
keep_types(flist, sel_types)
tks <- tokenize(toy_corpus, re_token_splitter = "\\W+")
print(tks, n = 1000)
tks[3:12] # idx is relative to selection
head(tks) # idx is relative to selection
tail(tks) # idx is relative to selection

Association scores used in collocation analysis and keyword analysis


assoc_scores and assoc_abcd take as their arguments co-occurrence frequencies of a number of items and return a range of association scores used in collocation analysis, collostruction analysis and keyword analysis.


  y = NULL,
  min_freq = 3,
  measures = NULL,
  with_variants = FALSE,
  show_dots = FALSE,
  p_fisher_2 = FALSE,
  haldane = TRUE,
  small_pos = 1e-05

  types = NULL,
  measures = NULL,
  with_variants = FALSE,
  show_dots = FALSE,
  p_fisher_2 = FALSE,
  haldane = TRUE,
  small_pos = 1e-05



Either an object of class freqlist or an object of class cooc_info.

If x is a freqlist, it is interpreted as the target frequency list (i.e. the list with the frequency of items in the target context) and y must be a freqlist with the frequency of items in the reference context.

If x is an object of class cooc_info instead, it is interpreted as containing target frequency information, reference frequency information and corpus size information.


An object of class freqlist with the frequencies of the reference context if x is also a freqlist. If x is an object of class cooc_info, this argument is ignored.


Minimum value for a[[i]] (or for the frequency of an item in the target frequency list) needed for its corresponding item to be included in the output.


Character vector containing the association measures (or related quantities) for which scores are requested. Supported measure names (and related quantities) are described in Value below.

If measures is NULL, it is interpreted as short for the default selection, i.e. c("exp_a", "DP_rows", "RR_rows", "OR", "MS", "Dice", "PMI", "chi2_signed", "G_signed", "t", "fisher").

If measures is "ALL", all supported measures are calculated (but not necessarily all the variants; see with_variants).


Logical. Whether, for the requested measures, all variants should be included in the output (TRUE) or only the main version (FALSE). See also p_fisher_2.


Logical. Whether a dot should be shown in console each time calculations for a measure are finished.


Logical. only relevant if "fisher" is included in measures. If TRUE, the p-value for a two-sided test (testing for either attraction or repulsion) is also calculated. By default, only the (computationally less demanding) p-value for a one-sided test is calculated. See Value for more details.


Logical. Should the Haldane-Anscombe correction be used? (See the Details section.)

If haldane is TRUE, and there is at least one zero frequency in a contingency table, the correction is used for all measures calculated for that table, not just for measures that need this to be done.


Alternative (but sometimes inferior) approach to dealing with zero frequencies, compared to haldane. The argument small_pos only applies when haldane is set to FALSE. (See the Details section.)

If haldane is FALSE, and there is at least one zero frequency in a contingency table, adding small positive values to the zero frequency cells is done systematically for all measures calculated for that table, not just for measures that need this to be done.


Numeric vector expressing how many times some tested item occurs in the target context. More specifically, a[[i]], with i an integer, expresses how many times the i-th tested item occurs in the target context.


Numeric vector expressing how many times other items than the tested item occur in the target context. More specifically, b[[i]], with i an integer, expresses how many times other items than the i-th tested item occur in the target context.


Numeric vector expressing how many times some tested item occurs in the reference context. More specifically, c[[i]], with i an integer, expresses how many times the i-th tested item occurs in the reference context.


Numeric vector expressing how many times items other than the tested item occur in the reference context. More specifically, d[[i]], with i an integer, expresses how many times other items than the i-th tested item occur in the reference context.


A character vector containing the names of the linguistic items of which the association scores are to be calculated, or NULL. If NULL, assoc_abcd() creates dummy types such as "t001", "t002", etc.


Input and output

assoc_scores() takes as its arguments a target frequency list and a reference frequency lists (either as two freqlist objects or as a cooc_info object) and returns a number of popular measures expressing, for (almost) every item in either one of these lists, the extent to which the item is attracted to the target context, when compared to the reference context. The "almost" is added between parentheses because, with the default settings, some items are automatically excluded from the output (see min_freq).

assoc_abcd() takes as its arguments four vectors a, b, c, and d, of equal length. Each tuple of values ⁠(a[i], b[i], c[i], d[i])⁠, with i some integer number between 1 and the length of the vectors, is assumed to represent the four numbers a, b, c, d in a contingency table of the type:

tested item any other item total
target context a b m
reference context c d n
total k l N

In the above table m, n, k, l and N are marginal frequencies. More specifically, m = a + b, n = c + d, k = a + c, l = b + d and N = m + n.

Dealing with zeros

Several of the association measures break down when one or more of the values a, b, c, and d are zero (for instance, because this would lead to division by zero or taking the log of zero). This can be dealt with in different ways, such as the Haldane-Anscombe correction.

Strictly speaking, Haldane-Anscombe correction specifically applies to the context of (log) odds ratios for two-by-two tables and boils down to adding 0.5 to each of the four values a, b, c, and d in every two-by-two contingency table for which the original values a, b, c, and d would not allow us to calculate the (log) odds ratio, which happens when one (or more than one) of the four cells is zero. Using the Haldane-Anscombe correction, the (log) odds ratio is then calculated on the bases of these 'corrected' values for a, b, c, and d.

However, because other measures that do not compute (log) odds ratios might also break down when some value is zero, all measures will be computed on the 'corrected' contingency matrix.

If the haldane argument is set to FALSE, division by zero or taking the log of zero is avoided by systematically adding a small positive value to all zero values for a, b, c, and d. The argument small_pos determines which small positive value is added in such cases. Its default value is 0.00001.


An object of class assoc_scores. This is a kind of data frame with as its rows all items from either the target frequency list or the reference frequency list with a frequency larger than min_freq in the target list, and as its columns a range of measures that express the extent to which the items are attracted to the target context (when compared to the reference context). Some columns don't contain actual measures but rather additional information that is useful for interpreting other measures.

Possible columns

The following sections describe the (possible) columns in the output. All of these measures are reported if measures is set to "ALL". Alternatively, each measure can be requested by specifying its name in a character vector given to the measures argument. Exceptions are described in the sections below.

Observed and expected frequencies
  • a, b, c, d: The frequencies in cells a, b, c and d, respectively. If one of them is 0, they will be augmented by 0.5 or small_pos (see Details). These output columns are always present.

  • dir: The direction of the association: 1 in case of relative attraction between the tested item and the target context (if amcn\frac{a}{m} \ge \frac{c}{n}) and -1 in case of relative repulsion between the target item and the target context (if am<cn\frac{a}{m} < {c}{n}).

  • exp_a, exp_b, exp_c, exp_d: The expected values for cells a, b, c and d, respectively. All these columns will be included if "expected" is in measures. exp_a is also one of the default measures and is therefore included if measures is NULL. The values of these columns are computed as follows:

    • exp_a = m×kN\frac{m \times k}{N}

    • exp_b = m×lN\frac{m \times l}{N}

    • exp_c = n×kN\frac{n \times k}{N}

    • exp_d = n×lN\frac{n \times l}{N}

Effect size measures

Some of these measures are based on proportions and can therefore be computed either on the rows or on the columns of the contingency table. Each measure can be requested on its own, but pairs of measures can also be requested with the first part of their name, as indicated in their corresponding descriptions.

  • DP_rows and DP_cols: The difference of proportions, sometimes also called Delta-p (Δp\Delta p), between rows and columns respectively. Both columns are present if "DP" is included in measures. DP_rows is also included if measures is NULL. They are calculated as follows:

    • DP_rows = amcn\frac{a}{m} - \frac{c}{n}

    • DP_cols = akbl\frac{a}{k} - \frac{b}{l}

  • perc_DIFF_rows and perc_DIFF_cols: These measures can be seen as normalized versions of Delta-p, i.e. essentially the same measures divided by the denominator and multiplied by 100. They therefore express how large the difference of proportions is, relative to the reference proportion. The multiplication by 100 turns the resulting 'relative difference of proportion' into a percentage. Both columns are present if "perc_DIFF" is included in measures. They are calculated as follows:

    • perc_DIFF_rows = 100(a/m)(c/n)c/n100 * \frac{(a / m) - (c / n)}{c / n}

    • perc_DIFF_cols = 100(a/k)(b/l)c/n100 * \frac{(a / k) - (b / l)}{c / n}

  • DC_rows and DC_cols: The difference coefficient can be seen as a normalized version of Delta-p, i.e. essentially dividing the difference of proportions by the sum of proportions. Both columns are present if "DC" is included in measures. They are calculated as follows:

    • DC_rows = (a/m)(c/n)(a/m)+(c/n)\frac{(a / m) - (c / n)}{(a / m) + (c / n)}

    • DC_cols = (a/k)(b/l)(a/k)+(b/l)\frac{(a / k) - (b / l)}{(a / k) + (b / l)}

  • RR_rows and RR_cols: Relative risk for the rows and columns respectively. RR_rows represents then how large the proportion in the target context is, relative to the proportion in the reference context. Both columns are present if "RR" is included in measures. RR_rows is also included if measures is NULL. They are calculated as follows:

    • RR_rows = a/mc/n\frac{a / m}{c / n}

    • RR_cols = a/kb/l\frac{a / k}{b / l}

  • LR_rows and LR_cols: The so-called 'log ratio' of the rows and columns, respectively. It can be seen as a transformed version of the relative risk, viz. its binary log. Both columns are present if "LR" is included in measures. They are calculated as follows:

    • LR_rows = log2(a/mc/n)\log_2\left(\frac{a / m}{c / n}\right)

    • LR_cols = log2(a/kb/l)\log_2\left(\frac{a / k}{b / l}\right)

Other measures use the contingency table in a different way and therefore don't have a complementary row/column pair. In order to retrieve these columns, if measures is not "ALL", their name must be in the measures vector. Some of them are included by default, i.e. if measures is NULL.

  • OR: The odds ratio, which can be calculated either as a/bc/d\frac{a/b}{c/d} or as a/cb/d\frac{a/c}{b/d}. This column is present measures is NULL.

  • log_OR: The log odds ratio, which can be calculated either as log(a/bc/d)\log\left(\frac{a/b}{c/d}\right) or as log(a/cb/d)\log\left(\frac{a/c}{b/d}\right). In other words, it is the natural log of the odds ratio.

  • MS: The minimum sensitivity, which is calculated as min(am,ak)\min(\frac{a}{m}, \frac{a}{k}). In other words, it is either am\frac{a}{m} or ak\frac{a}{k}, whichever is lowest. This column is present measures is NULL.

  • Jaccard: The Jaccard index, which is calculated as aa+b+c\frac{a}{a + b + c}. It expresses a, which is the frequency of the test item in the target context, relative to b + c + d, i.e. the frequency of all other contexts.

  • Dice: The Dice coefficient, which is calculated as 2am+k\frac{2a}{m + k}. It expresses the harmonic mean of am\frac{a}{m} and ak\frac{a}{k} This column is present measures is NULL.

  • logDice: An adapted version of the Dice coefficient. It is calculated as 14+log2(2am+k)14 + \log_2\left(\frac{2a}{m + k}\right). In other words, it is 14 plus the binary log of the Dice coefficient.

  • phi: The phi coefficient (ϕ\phi), which is calculated as (a×d)(b×c)m×n×k×l\frac{(a \times d) - (b \times c)}{ \sqrt{m \times n \times k \times l}}.

  • Q: Yule's Q, which is calculated as (a×d)(b×c)(a×d)(b×c)\frac{(a \times d) - (b \times c)}{(a \times d)(b \times c)}.

  • mu: The measure mu (μ\mu), which is calculated as aexp_a\frac{a}{\mathrm{exp\_a}} (see exp_a).

  • PMI and pos_PMI: (Positive) pointwise mutual information, which can be seen as a modification of the mu measure and is calculated as log2(aexp_a)\log_2\left(\frac{a}{\mathrm{exp\_a}}\right). In pos_PMI, negative values are set to 0. The PMI column is present measures is NULL.

  • PMI2 and PMI3: Modified versions of PMI that aim to give relatively more weight to cases with relatively higher a. However, because of this modification, they are not pure effect size measures any more.

    • PMI2 = log2(a2exp_a)\log_2\left(\frac{a^2}{\mathrm{exp\_a}}\right)

    • PMI3 = log2(a3exp_a)\log_2\left(\frac{a^3}{\mathrm{exp\_a}}\right)

Strength of evidence measures

The first measures in this section tend to come in triples: a test statistic, its p-value (preceded by p_) and its signed version (followed by ⁠_signed⁠). The test statistics indicate evidence of either attraction or repulsion. Thus, in order to indicate the direction of the relationship, a negative sign is added in the "signed" version when ak<cl\frac{a}{k} < \frac{c}{l}.

In each of these cases, the name of the main measure (e.g. "chi2") and/or its signed counterpart (e.g. "chi2_signed") must be in the measures argument, or measures must be "ALL", for the columns to be included in the output. If the main function is requested, the signed counterpart will also be included, but if only the signed counterpart is requested, the non-signed version will be excluded. For the p-value to be retrieved, either the main measure or its signed version must be requested and, additionally, the with_variants argument must be set to TRUE.

  • chi2, p_chi2 and chi2_signed: The chi-squared test statistic (χ2\chi^2) as used in a chi-squared test of independence or in a chi-squared test of homogeneity for a two-by-two contingency table. Scores of this measure are high when there is strong evidence for attraction, but also when there is strong evidence for repulsion. The chi2_signed column is present if measures is NULL. chi2 is calculated as follows:

    (aexp_a)2exp_a+(bexp_b)2exp_b+(cexp_c)2exp_c+(dexp_d)2exp_d\frac{(a-\mathrm{exp\_a})^2}{\mathrm{exp\_a}} + \frac{(b-\mathrm{exp\_b})^2}{\mathrm{exp\_b}} + \frac{(c-\mathrm{exp\_c})^2}{\mathrm{exp\_c}} + \frac{(d-\mathrm{exp\_d})^2}{\mathrm{exp\_d}}


  • chi2_Y, p_chi2_Y and chi2_Y_signed: The chi-squared test statistic (χ2\chi^2) as used in a chi-squared test with Yates correction for a two-by-two contingency table. chi2_Y is calculated as follows:

    (aexp_a0.5)2exp_a+(bexp_b0.5)2exp_b+(cexp_c0.5)2exp_c+(dexp_d0.5)2exp_d\frac{(|a-\mathrm{exp\_a}| - 0.5)^2}{\mathrm{exp\_a}} + \frac{(|b-\mathrm{exp\_b}| - 0.5)^2}{\mathrm{exp\_b}} + \frac{(|c-\mathrm{exp\_c}| - 0.5)^2}{\mathrm{exp\_c}} + \frac{(|d-\mathrm{exp\_d}| - 0.5)^2}{\mathrm{exp\_d}}


  • chi2_2T, p_chi2_2T and chi2_2T_signed: The chi-squared test statistic (χ2\chi^2) as used in a chi-squared goodness-of-fit test applied to the first column of the contingency table. The "2T" in the name stands for 'two terms' (as opposed to chi2, which is sometimes the 'four terms' version). chi2_2T is calculated as follows:

    (aexp_a)2exp_a+(cexp_c)2exp_c\frac{(a-\mathrm{exp\_a})^2}{\mathrm{exp\_a}} + \frac{(c-\mathrm{exp\_c})^2}{\mathrm{exp\_c}}


  • chi2_2T_Y, p_chi2_2T_Y and chi2_2T_Y_signed: The chi-squared test statistic (χ2\chi^2) as used in a chi-squared goodness-of-fit test with Yates correction, applied to the first column of the contingency table. chi2_2T_Y is calculated as follows:

    (aexp_a0.5)2exp_a+(cexp_c0.5)2exp_c\frac{(|a-\mathrm{exp\_a}| - 0.5)^2}{\mathrm{exp\_a}} + \frac{(|c-\mathrm{exp\_c}| - 0.5)^2}{\mathrm{exp\_c}}


  • G, p_G and G_signed: G test statistic, which is also sometimes called log-likelihood ratio (LLR) and, somewhat confusingly, G-squared. This is the test statistic as used in a log-likelihood ratio test for independence or homogeneity in a two-by-two contingency table. Scores are high in case of strong evidence for attraction, but also in case of strong evidence of repulsion. The G_signed column is present if measures is NULL. G is calculated as follows:

    2(a×log(aexp_a)+b×log(bexp_b)+c×log(cexp_c)+d×log(dexp_d))2 \left( a \times \log(\frac{a}{\mathrm{exp\_a}}) + b \times \log(\frac{b}{\mathrm{exp\_b}}) + c \times \log(\frac{c}{\mathrm{exp\_c}}) + d \times \log(\frac{d}{\mathrm{exp\_d}}) \right)

  • G_2T, p_G_2T and G_2T_signed: The test statistic used in a log-likelihood ratio test for goodness-of-fit applied to the first column of the contingency table. The "2T" stands for 'two terms'. G_2T is calculated as follows:

    2(a×log(aexp_a)+c×log(cexp_c))2 \left( a \times \log(\frac{a}{\mathrm{exp\_a}}) + c \times \log(\frac{c}{\mathrm{exp\_c}}) \right)

The final two groups of measures take a different shape. The ⁠_as_chisq1⁠ columns compute qchisq(1 - p, 1), with p being the p-values they are transforming, i.e. the p right quantile in a χ2\chi^2 distribution with one degree of freedom (see p_to_chisq1()).

  • t, p_t_1, t_1_as_chisq1, p_t_2 and t_2_as_chisq1: The t-test statistic, used for a t-test for the proportion aN\frac{a}{N} in which the null hypothesis is based on kN×mN\frac{k}{N}\times\frac{m}{N}. Column t is present if "t" is included in measures or if measures is "ALL" or NULL. The other four columns are present if t is requested and if, additionally, with_variants is TRUE.

    • t = a/N+k/N+m/N((a/N)×(1a/N))/N\frac{ a/N + k/N + m/N }{ \sqrt{((a/N)\times (1-a/N))/N} }

    • p_t_1 is the p-value that corresponds to t when assuming a one-tailed test that only looks at attraction; t_1_as_chisq1 is its transformation.

    • p_t_2 is the p-value that corresponds to t when assuming a two-tailed test, viz. that looks at both attraction and repulsion; t_2_as_chisq1 is its transformation.

  • p_fisher_1, fisher_1_as_chisq1, p_fisher_1r, fisher_1r_as_chisq1: The p-value of a one-sided Fisher exact test. The column p_fisher_1 is present if either "fisher" or "p_fisher" are in measures or if measures is "ALL" or NULL. The other columns are present if p_fisher_1 as been requested and if, additionally, with_variants is TRUE.

    • p_fisher_1 and p_fisher_1r are the p-values of the Fisher exact test that look at attraction and repulsion respectively.

    • fisher_1_as_chisq1 and fisher_1r_as_chisq1 are their respective transformations..

  • p_fisher_2 and fisher_2_as_chisq1: p-value for a two-sided Fisher exact test, viz. looking at both attraction and repulsion. p_fisher_2 returns the p-value and fisher_2_as_chisq1 is its transformation. The p_fisher_2 column is present if either "fisher" or "p_fisher_1" are in measures or if measures is "ALL" or NULL and if, additionally, p_fisher_2 is TRUE. fisher_2_as_chisq1 is present if p_fisher_2 was requested and, additionally, with_variants is TRUE.

Properties of the class

An object of class assoc_scores has:

An object of this class can be saved to file with write_assoc() and read with read_assoc().


assoc_abcd(10 , 200, 100,  300, types = "four")
assoc_abcd(30, 1000,  14, 5000, types = "fictitious")
assoc_abcd(15, 5000,  16, 1000, types = "toy")
assoc_abcd( 1,  300,   4, 6000, types = "examples")

a <- c(10,    30,    15,    1)
b <- c(200, 1000,  5000,  300)
c <- c(100,   14,    16,    4)
d <- c(300, 5000, 10000, 6000)
types <- c("four", "fictitious", "toy", "examples")
(scores <- assoc_abcd(a, b, c, d, types = types))


print(scores, sort_order = "PMI")
print(scores, sort_order = "alpha")
print(scores, sort_order = "none")
print(scores, sort_order = "nonsense")

print(scores, sort_order = "PMI",
      keep_cols = c("a", "exp_a", "PMI", "G_signed"))
print(scores, sort_order = "PMI",
      keep_cols = c("a", "b", "c", "d", "exp_a", "G_signed"))
print(scores, sort_order = "PMI",
     drop_cols = c("a", "b", "c", "d", "exp_a", "G_signed",
                    "RR_rows", "chi2_signed", "t"))

Subset an object by different criteria


This method can be used to subset objects based on different criteria.


## S3 method for class 'fnames'
x[i, invert = FALSE, ...]

## S3 replacement method for class 'fnames'
x[i, invert = FALSE] <- value

## S3 method for class 'freqlist'
x[i, invert = FALSE, ...]

## S3 method for class 'tokens'
x[i, invert = FALSE, ...]

## S3 replacement method for class 'tokens'
x[i, invert = FALSE, ...] <- value

## S3 method for class 'types'
x[i, invert = FALSE, ...]

## S3 replacement method for class 'types'
x[i, invert = FALSE] <- value



An object of any of the classes for which the method is implemented.


Selection criterion; depending on its class, it behaves differently.


Logical. Whether the matches should be selected rather than the non-matches.


Additional arguments.


Value to assign.


The subsetting method with the notation ⁠[]⁠, applied to mclm objects, is part of a family of subsetting methods: see keep_pos(), keep_re(), keep_types() and keep_bool(). In this case, the argument i is the selection criterion and, depending on its class, the method behaves different:

  • providing a re object is equivalent to calling keep_re(),

  • providing a numeric vector is equivalent to calling keep_pos(),

  • providing a logical vector is equivalent to calling keep_bool(),

  • providing a types object or a character vector is equivalent to calling keep_types().

When the notation x[i, ...] is used, it is also possible to set the invert argument to TRUE (which then is one of the additional arguments in ...). This invert argument then serves the same purpose as the invert argument in the keep_ methods, turning it into a drop_ method.


Object of the same class as x with the selected elements only.

See Also

Other subsetters: keep_bool(), keep_pos(), keep_re(), keep_types()


# For a 'freqlist' object --------------------
(flist <- freqlist("The man and the mouse.", as_text = TRUE))

## like keep_re()
flist[re("[ao]"), invert = TRUE]

## like keep_pos()
flist[type_freqs(flist) < 2]
flist[ranks(flist) <= 3]
flist[ranks(flist) <= 3, invert = TRUE]

## like keep_bool()
(flist2 <- keep_bool(flist, type_freqs(flist) < 2))
flist2[orig_ranks(flist2) > 2]

## like keep_types()
flist[c("man", "and")]
flist[as_types(c("man", "and"))]

# For a 'types' object -----------------------
(tps <- as_types(letters[1:10]))

tps[c(1, 3, 5, 7, 9)]
tps[c(TRUE, FALSE)]
tps[c("a", "c", "e", "g", "i")]

tps[c(1, 3, 5, 7, 9), invert = TRUE]
tps[c(TRUE, FALSE), invert = TRUE]
tps[c("a", "c", "e", "g", "i"), invert = TRUE]

# For a 'tokens' object ----------------------
(tks <- as_tokens(letters[1:10]))

tks[re("[acegi]"), invert = TRUE]
tks[c(1, 3, 5, 7, 9), invert = TRUE]
tks[c(TRUE, FALSE), invert = TRUE]
tks[c("a", "c", "e", "g", "i"), invert = TRUE]

Helpers for plotting ca objects


The functions row_pcoord() and col_pcoord() retrieve the coordinates of the rows and columns of a ca object across all dimensions. The functions xlim4ca() and ylim4ca() return the range of values for the first and second dimensions.


row_pcoord(x, ...)

col_pcoord(x, ...)

xlim4ca(x, ...)

ylim4ca(x, ...)



An object of class ca.


Additional arguments (not implemented).


In the output of row_pcoord(), each row corresponds to a row from the dataframe that ca::ca() was applied to, and each column corresponds to a principal component. In the output of col_pcoord(), each row corresponds to a column from the dataframe that ca::ca() was applied to, and each column corresponds to a principal component.


A matrix (for row_pcoord() and col_pcoord()) or a numeric vector (for xlim4ca() and ylim4ca()).


  • row_pcoord(): Retrieve row principal coordinates for all dimensions

  • col_pcoord(): Retrieve column principal coordinates for all dimensions

  • xlim4ca(): Return range of first dimension for plotting

  • ylim4ca(): Return range of second dimension for plotting


# traditional biplot from {ca}

author_ca <- ca(author)

# alternative plot with {mclm} tools
r_pc <- row_pcoord(author_ca)
c_pc <- col_pcoord(author_ca)
xlim <- xlim4ca(author_ca)
ylim <- ylim4ca(author_ca)
author_names <- as.factor(gsub(
                              "^.*?\\((.*?)\\)$", "\\1",
                             rownames(author), perl = TRUE))
plot(r_pc[,1], r_pc[,2], pch = 18,
    xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, xlab = "", ylab = "",
    main = "authors and their alphabet",
    col = as.numeric(author_names))
abline(h = 0, col = "gray", lty = 3)
abline(v = 0, col = "gray", lty = 3)
text(c_pc[,1], c_pc[,2], colnames(author), col = "gray")
       legend = levels(author_names),
       pch = rep(18, length(levels(author_names))),
       col = 1:length(levels(author_names)),
       title = "authors")

Print a regular expression to the console


The function cat_re() prints a regular expression to the console. By default, the regular expression is not printed as an R string, but as a ‘plain regular expression’. More specifically, the regular expression is printed without surrounding quotation marks, and characters that are special characters in R strings (such as quotation marks and backslashes) are not escaped with a backslash. Also, by default, multi-line regular expressions are printed as single-line regular expressions with all regular expression comments removed.


cat_re(x, format = c("plain", "R"), as_single_line = TRUE)



An object of class re or a character vector containing a regular expression. If x is a character vector of length higher than 1, only its first element will be used.


Character vector describing the requested format (as a "plain" regular expression or as an "R" string). If its length is higher than 1, only its first element will be used.


Logical. Whether x should be converted to a single line regular expression, therefore also removing all comments, prior to printing. If the length of this vector is larger than 1, only its first item will be used.


WARNING: In the current implementation, the way the character ⁠#⁠ is handled is not guaranteed to be correct. More specifically, the code is not guaranteed to correctly distinguish between a ⁠#⁠ symbol that introduces a regular expression comment and a ⁠#⁠ symbol that doesn't do so. Firstly, there is no testing whether at the point of encountering ⁠#⁠ we're in free-spacing mode. Second, there is no thorough testing whether or not the ⁠#⁠ symbol is part of a character class. However, ⁠#⁠ is processed correctly as long as any 'literal #' is immediately preceded by either a backslash or an opening square bracket, and any ‘comment-introducing #’ is not immediately preceded by a backslash or an opening square bracket.


Invisibly, x.

See Also



# single-line regular expression
x <- "(?xi)  \\b \\w* willing \\w* \\b"
y <- "(?xi)  
       \\b        # word boundary 
       \\w*       # optional prefix
       willing   # stem
       \\w*       # optional suffix
       \\b        # word boundary"
cat_re(y, as_single_line = FALSE)
cat_re(y, format = "R")
cat_re(y, format = "R", as_single_line = FALSE)

regex <- re("(?xi)  
                \\b        # word boundary 
                \\w*       # optional prefix
                willing   # stem
                \\w*       # optional suffix
                \\b        # word boundary")
cat_re(regex, as_single_line = FALSE)

Proportion of chi-squared distribution with one degree of freedom that sits to the right of x


Helper function that takes as its argument a numerical value x and that returns the proportion p of the chi-squared distribution with one degree of freedom that sits to the right of the value 'x.





A number.


The proportion p of the chi-squared distribution with one degree of freedom that sits to the right of the value x.

See Also


Clean up the use of whitespace in a character vector


The function cleanup_spaces() takes a character vector and input and turns any uninterrupted stretch of whitespace characters into one single space character. Moreover, it can also remove leading whitespace and trailing whitespace.


cleanup_spaces(x, remove_leading = TRUE, remove_trailing = TRUE)



Character vector.


Logical. If TRUE, leading whitespace will be removed.


Logical. If TRUE, trailing whitespace will be removed.


A character vector.


txt <- "  A \\t  small      example \\n with redundant whitespace    "
cleanup_spaces(txt, remove_leading = FALSE, remove_trailing = FALSE)

Build a concordance for the matches of a regex


This function builds a concordance for the matches of a regular expression. The result is a dataset that can be written to a file with the function write_conc(). It mimics the behavior of the concordance tool in the program AntConc.


  c_left = 200,
  c_right = 200,
  perl = TRUE,
  re_drop_line = NULL,
  line_glue = "\n",
  re_cut_area = NULL,
  file_encoding = "UTF-8",
  as_text = FALSE



A character vector determining which text is to be used as corpus.

If as_text = TRUE, x is treated as the actual text to be used as corpus.

If as_text = FALSE (the default), x is treated as a vector of filenames, interpreted as the names of the corpus files that contain the actual corpus data.


Character string containing the regular expression that serves as search term for the concordancer.


Number. How many characters to the left of each match must be included in the result as left co-text of the match.


Number. How many characters to the right of each match must be included in the result as right co-text of the match.


If TRUE, pattern is treated as a PCRE flavor regular expression. Otherwise, pattern is treated as a regular expression in R's default flavor of regular expression.


Character vector or NULL. If NULL, the argument is ignored. Otherwise, lines in x containing a match for re_drop_line are treated as not belonging to the corpus and are excluded from the results.


Character vector or NULL. If NULL, the argument is ignored. Otherwise, all lines in the corpus are glued together in one character vector of length 1, with the string line_glue pasted in between consecutive lines. The value of line_glue can also be equal to the empty string (""). The 'line_glue' operation is conducted immediately after the 'drop line' operation.


Character vector or NULL. If NULL, the argument is ignored. Otherwise, all matches in the corpus are 'cut out' of the text prior to the identification of the tokens in the text (and are therefore not taken into account when identifying tokens). The 'cut area' operation is conducted immediately after the 'line glue' operation.


File encoding for reading each corpus file. Ignored if as_text = TRUE. Otherwise, it must be a character vector of length one (in which case the same encoding is used for all files) or with the same length as x (in which case each file can have a different encoding).


Logical. If TRUE, the content of x is treated as the actual text of the corpus (with each item within x treated as a separate 'document in RAM').

If FALSE, x is treated as a vector of filenames, interpreted as the names of the corpus files with the actual corpus data.


In order to make sure that the columns left, match, and right in the output of conc do not contain any TAB or NEWLINE characters, whitespace in these items is being 'normalized'. More particularly, each stretch of whitespace, i.e. each uninterrupted sequences of whitespace characters, is replaced by a single SPACE character.

The values in the items the glob_id and id in the output of conc are always identical in a dataset that is the output of the function conc. The item glob_id only becomes useful when later, for instance, one wants to merge two datasets.#'


Object of class conc, a kind of data frame with as its rows the matches and with the following columns:

  • glob_id: Number indicating the position of the match in the overall list of matches.

  • id: Number indicating the position of the match in the list of matches for one specific query.

  • source: Either the filename of the file in which the match was found (in case of the setting as_text = FALSE), or the string '-' (in case of the setting as_text = TRUE).

  • left: The left-hand side co-text of each match.

  • match: The actual match.

  • right: The right-hand side co-text of each match.

It also has additional attributes and methods such as:

An object of class conc can be merged with another by means of merge_conc(). It can be written to file with write_conc() and then read with read_conc(). It is also possible to import concordances created by means other than write_conc() with import_conc().


(conc_data <- conc('A very small corpus.', '\\w+', as_text = TRUE))

Build collocation frequencies.


These functions builds a surface or textual collocation frequency for a specific node.


  w_left = 3,
  w_right = 3,
  re_boundary = NULL,
  re_drop_line = NULL,
  line_glue = NULL,
  re_cut_area = NULL,
  re_token_splitter = re("[^_\\p{L}\\p{N}\\p{M}'-]+"),
  re_token_extractor = re("[_\\p{L}\\p{N}\\p{M}'-]+"),
  re_drop_token = NULL,
  re_token_transf_in = NULL,
  token_transf_out = NULL,
  token_to_lower = TRUE,
  perl = TRUE,
  blocksize = 300,
  verbose = FALSE,
  dot_blocksize = 10,
  file_encoding = "UTF-8"

  re_boundary = NULL,
  re_drop_line = NULL,
  line_glue = NULL,
  re_cut_area = NULL,
  re_token_splitter = re("[^_\\p{L}\\p{N}\\p{M}'-]+"),
  re_token_extractor = re("[_\\p{L}\\p{N}\\p{M}'-]+"),
  re_drop_token = NULL,
  re_token_transf_in = NULL,
  token_transf_out = NULL,
  token_to_lower = TRUE,
  perl = TRUE,
  blocksize = 300,
  verbose = FALSE,
  dot_blocksize = 10,
  file_encoding = "UTF-8"



List of filenames of the corpus files.


Regular expression used for identifying instances of the 'node', i.e. the target item for which collocation information is collected.


Number of tokens to the left of the 'node' that are treated as belonging to the co-text of the 'node'. (But also see re_boundary.)


Number of tokens to the right of the 'node' that are treated as belonging to the co-text of the 'node'. (But also see re_boundary.)


Regular expression.

For text_cooc(), it identifies boundaries between 'textual units'.

For surf_cooc(), it identifies 'cut-off' points for the co-text of the 'node'. If it is not NULL, the maximum length of the left and right co-texts are still given by w_left and w_right, but if a match for re_boundary is found within the co-text, both the 'boundary token' and all tokens beyond it are excluded.


Regular expression or NULL. if NULL, the argument is ignored. Otherwise, lines in the corpus that match it are treated as not belonging to the corpus and excluded from the results.


Character vector or NULL. if NULL, the argument is ignored. Otherwise, all the lines in the corpus are glued together in one character vector of length 1, with the string line_glue pasted in between consecutive lines.

This value can also be equal to an empty string "".

The 'line glue' operation is conducted immediately after the 'drop line' operation.


Regular expression or NULL. if NULL, the argument is ignored. Otherwise, all matches in the corpus are 'cut out' from the text prior to the identification of the tokens and are therefore not taken into account when identifying the tokens.

The 'cut area' operation is conducted immediately after the 'line glue' operation.


Regular expression or NULL. if NULL, the argument is ignored and re_token_extractor is used instead. Otherwise, it identifies the areas between the tokens within a line of the corpus.

The 'token identification' operation is conducted immediately after the 'cut area' operation.


Regular expression that identifies the locations of the actual tokens. It is only used if re_token_splitter is NULL. Currently the implementation of this argument is a lot less time-efficient than that of re_token_splitter.

The 'token identification' operation is conducted immediately after the 'cut area' operation.


Regular expression or NULL. if NULL, the argument is ignored. Otherwise, it identifies tokens to be excluded from the results.

The 'drop token' operation is conducted immediately after the 'token identification' operation.


A regular expression that identifies areas in the tokens that are to be transformed. This argument works together with token_transf_out. If either of them is NULL, they are both ignored.

Otherwise, all matches in the tokens for re_token_transf_in are replaced with the replacement string token_transf_out.

The 'token transformation' operation is conducted immediately after the 'drop token' transformation.


A 'replacement string'. This argument works together with re_token_transf_in and is ignored if either argument is NULL.


Logical. Whether tokens should be converted to lowercase before returning the results.

The 'token to lower' operation is conducted immediately after the 'token transformation' operation.


Logical. Whether the PCRE flavor of regular expressions should be used in the arguments that contain regular expressions.


Number indicating how many corpus files are read to memory 'at each individual step' during the steps in the procedure. Normally the default value of 300 should not be changed, but when one works with exceptionally small corpus files, it may be worthwhile to use a higher number, and when one works with exceptionally large corpus files, it may be worthwhile to use a lower number.


Logical. If TRUE, messages are printed to the console to indicate progress.


Logical. If TRUE, dots are printed to the console to indicate progress.


Encoding of the input files.

Either a character vector of length 1, in which case all files are assumed to be in the same encoding, or a character vector with the same length as x, which allows for different encodings for different files.


Two major steps can be distinguished in the procedure conducted by these functions. The first major step is the identification of the (sequence of) tokens that, for the purpose of this analysis, will be considered to be the content of the corpus.

The function arguments that jointly determine the details of this step are re_drop_line, line_glue, re_cut_area, re_token_splitter, re_token_extractor, re_drop_token, re_token_transf_in, token_transf_out, and token_to_lower. The sequence of tokens that is the ultimate outcome of this step is then handed over to the second major step of the procedure.

The second major step is the establishment of the co-occurrence frequencies. The function arguments that jointly determine the details of this step are re_node and re_boundary for both functions, and w_left and w_right for surf_cooc() only. It is important to know that this second step is conducted after the tokens of the corpus have been identified, and that it is applied to a sequence of tokens, not to the original text. More specifically the regular expressions re_node and re_boundary are tested against individual tokens, as they are identified by the token identification procedure. Moreover, in surf_cooc(), the numbers w_left and w_right also apply to tokens a they are identified by the token identification procedure.


An object of class cooc_info, containing information on co-occurrence frequencies.


  • surf_cooc(): Build surface collocation frequencies

  • text_cooc(): Build textual collocation frequencies

Details on a specific item


This method zooms in on details of an object x based on an item y. When x is of class slma (currently the only supported class), y must be one of the lexical markers described in it.


details(x, y, ...)

## S3 method for class 'slma'
details(x, y, shorten_names = TRUE, ...)



An object containing global statistics for a collection of linguistic units, such as an object of class slma.


A character vector of length one representing one linguistic item.


Additional arguments.


Logical. If TRUE, filenames in the rownames are shortened with short_names().


An object with details. When x is of class slma, the class of the output is details.slma, namely a list with the following items:

  • summary: The row of x$scores corresponding to y.

  • scores (what is printed by default), a dataframe with one row per pair of documents in the slma and the frequencies and association scores of the chosen item as columns.

  • item: the value of y.

  • sig_cutoff and small_pos, as defined in slma.


a_corp <- get_fnames(system.file("extdata", "cleveland", package = "mclm"))
b_corp <- get_fnames(system.file("extdata", "roosevelt", package = "mclm"))
slma_ex <- slma(a_corp, b_corp, keep_intermediate = TRUE)

gov <- details(slma_ex, "government")

# A bit of tidy manipulation to shorten filenames
if (require("dplyr") && require("tidyr")) {
  as_tibble(gov, rownames = "files") %>% 
     tidyr::separate(files, into = c("file_A", "file_B"), sep = "--") %>% 
     dplyr::mutate(dplyr::across(dplyr::starts_with("file"), short_names))

Drop empty rows and columns from a matrix


With x a matrix containing frequency counts, drop_empty_rc makes a copy of x from which the all-zero rows and all-zero columns are removed. No checks are performed by this function.





A matrix, assumed to contain frequency counts.


This is just a convenience function. It is identical to, and implemented as, x[rowSums(x) > 0, colSums(x) > 0, drop = FALSE].


Matrix, with all-zero rows and columns removed.


# first example
m <- matrix(nrow = 3, byrow = TRUE,
            dimnames = list(c('r1','r2','r3'),
           c(10, 0, 4,
             0, 0, 0,
             5, 0, 7))

m2 <- drop_empty_rc(m)

## second example
m <- matrix(nrow = 3, byrow = TRUE,
           dimnames = list(c('r1','r2','r3'),
           c(0, 0, 4,
             0, 0, 0,
             0, 0, 7))
m2 <- drop_empty_rc(m)

## third example
m <- matrix(nrow = 3, byrow = TRUE,
            dimnames = list(c('r1','r2','r3'),
           c(0, 0, 0,
             0, 0, 0,
             0, 0, 0))
m2 <- drop_empty_rc(m)

Drop XML tags from character string


This function takes a character vector and returns a copy from which all XML-like tags have been removed. Moreover, if half_tags_too = TRUE any half tag at the beginning or end of x is also removed.


drop_tags(x, half_tags_too = TRUE)



String with XML tag


Logical. Whether tags with only opening/closing bracket should also be removed.


This function is not XML-aware. It uses a very simple definition of what counts as a tag. More specifically, any character sequence starting with < and ending with > is considered a 'tag'; inside such a tag, between < and >, drop_tags() accepts any sequence of zero or more characters.


Character string


xml_snippet <- "id='3'/><w pos='Det'>An</w> <w pos='N'>example</w> <w"
drop_tags(xml_snippet, half_tags_too = FALSE)

Interactively navigate through an object


This method only works in an interactive R session to open 'exploration mode', in which the user can navigate through the object x by means of brief commands.


explore(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'assoc_scores'
  n = 20,
  from = 1,
  from_col = 1,
  perl = TRUE,
  sort_order = c("none", "G_signed", "PMI", "alpha"),
  use_clear = TRUE,

## S3 method for class 'conc'
explore(x, n = 20, from = 1, use_clear = TRUE, ...)

## S3 method for class 'fnames'
explore(x, n = 20, from = 1, perl = TRUE, use_clear = TRUE, ...)

## S3 method for class 'freqlist'
explore(x, n = 20, from = 1, perl = TRUE, use_clear = TRUE, ...)

## S3 method for class 'tokens'
explore(x, n = 20, from = 1, perl = TRUE, use_clear = TRUE, ...)

## S3 method for class 'types'
explore(x, n = 20, from = 1, perl = TRUE, use_clear = TRUE, ...)



An object of any of the classes for which the method is implemented.


Additional arguments.


Maximum number of items in the object to be printed at once.


Index of the first item to be printed.


Index of the first column to be displayed in the regular area (among all selected columns, including frozen columns). If from_col points


Logical. Whether or not the regular expressions used in the exploration session use the PERL flavor of regular expression.


Order in which the items are to be printed. In general, possible values are "alpha" (meaning that the items are to be sorted alphabetically), and "none" (meaning that the items are not to be sorted). If x is an object of class assoc_scores, a column name or vector of column names may be provided instead.


Logical. If TRUE, and if the feature is supported by the R environment, the console will be cleared in between all interactive steps in the exploration session.


explore() is different from other R instructions because it does not automatically stop executing and show a new regular prompt (>) in the console. Instead it shows a special prompt (⁠>>⁠) at which you can use explore()-specific commands. Note that at the special prompt ⁠>>⁠ none of the regular R instructions will work. The instructions that do work at this prompt, for explore(), are listed below. After each instruction the user must press ENTER.

  • b (begin): The first items in x are shown.

  • e (end): The last items in x are shown.

  • d (down n items): The 'next page' of items is shown.

  • u (up n items): The 'previous page' of items is shown.

  • n (next item): The list/table shifts one item down the list.

  • p (previous item): The list/table shifts one item up the list.

  • ⁠g {linenumber}⁠ (go to...): Jump to line {linenumber}.

    E.g. ⁠g 1000⁠ will jump to the 1000th line.

  • ⁠f {regex}⁠ (find...): Jump to the next item matching the regular expression {regex}.

    E.g. ⁠f (?xi) astic $⁠ will jump to the next item ending in "astic". The software starts searching from the second item presently visible onward.

    f will jump to the next item matching the last regular expression used with ⁠f {regex}⁠.

    This command is not available when x is a conc object.

  • l (left): In assoc_scores objects, move one column to the left.

  • r (right): In assoc_scores objects, move one column to the right.

  • ⁠?⁠: A help page is displayed, showing all possible commands.

  • q (quit): Terminate interactive session.


Invisibly, x.

Run XPath query


This function finds matches for an XPath query in a corpus.


find_xpath(x, pattern, fun = NULL, final_fun = NULL, namespaces = NULL, ...)



A corpus: an fnames object, a character vector of an XML source, or a document parsed with xml2::read_xml().


An XPath query.


Function to be applied to the individual nodes prior to returning the result.


Function to be applied to the complete list of matches prior to returning the result.


A namespace as generated by xml2::xml_ns().


Additional arguments.


A nodeset or the output of applying fun to a nodeset.


test_xml <- '
  <w pos="at">The</w>
  <w pos="nn">example</w>

find_xpath(test_xml, "//w")
find_xpath(test_xml, "//@pos")
find_xpath(test_xml, "//w[@pos='nn']")

find_xpath(test_xml, "//w", fun = xml2::xml_text)
find_xpath(test_xml, "//w", fun = xml2::xml_attr, attr = "pos")

Retrieve the names of files in a given path


Build an object of class fnames.


  path = ".",
  re_pattern = NULL,
  recursive = TRUE,
  perl = TRUE,
  invert = FALSE



The location of the files to be listed.


Optional regular expression. If present, then only the filenames that match it are retrieved (unless invert = TRUE, in which case those filenames are excluded). The match is done over the absolute path of the files.


Boolean value. Should the subdirectories of path also be searched?


Boolean value. Whether re_pattern should be interpreted as a PERL flavor of regular expression.


Boolean value. If TRUE, filenames matching re_pattern are the only ones retrieved. If FALSE, filenames matching re_pattern are excluded.


An object of class fnames, which is a special kind of character vector storing the absolute paths of the corpus files. It has additional attributes and methods such as:

Additional manipulation functions includes fnames_merge() to combine filenames collections and the short_names() family of functions to shorten the names.

Objects of class fnames can be saved to file with write_fnames(); these files can be read with read_fnames().

It is possible to coerce a character vector into an fnames object with as_fnames().


cwd_fnames <- get_fnames(recursive = FALSE)

cwd_fnames <- as_fnames(c("file1", "file2", "file3"))



Build the frequency list of a corpus


This function builds the word frequency list from a corpus.


  re_drop_line = NULL,
  line_glue = NULL,
  re_cut_area = NULL,
  re_token_splitter = re("[^_\\p{L}\\p{N}\\p{M}'-]+"),
  re_token_extractor = re("[_\\p{L}\\p{N}\\p{M}'-]+"),
  re_drop_token = NULL,
  re_token_transf_in = NULL,
  token_transf_out = NULL,
  token_to_lower = TRUE,
  perl = TRUE,
  blocksize = 300,
  verbose = FALSE,
  show_dots = FALSE,
  dot_blocksize = 10,
  file_encoding = "UTF-8",
  ngram_size = NULL,
  max_skip = 0,
  ngram_sep = "_",
  ngram_n_open = 0,
  ngram_open = "[]",
  as_text = FALSE



Either a list of filenames of the corpus files (if as_text is TRUE) or the actual text of the corpus (if as_text is FALSE).

If as_text is TRUE and the length of the vector x is higher than one, then each item in x is treated as a separate line (or a separate series of lines) in the corpus text. Within each item of x, the character "\\n" is also treated as a line separator.


NULL or character vector. If NULL, it is ignored. Otherwise, a character vector (assumed to be of length 1) containing a regular expression. Lines in x that contain a match for re_drop_line are treated as not belonging to the corpus and are excluded from the results.


NULL or character vector. If NULL, it is ignored. Otherwise, all lines in a corpus file (or in x, if as_text is TRUE), are glued together in one character vector of length 1, with the string line_glue pasted in between consecutive lines. The value of line_glue can also be equal to the empty string "". The 'line glue' operation is conducted immediately after the 'drop line' operation.


NULL or character vector. If NULL, it is ignored. Otherwise, all matches in a corpus file (or in x, if as_text is TRUE), are 'cut out' of the text prior to the identification of the tokens in the text (and are therefore not taken into account when identifying the tokens). The 'cut area' operation is conducted immediately after the 'line glue' operation.


Regular expression or NULL. Regular expression that identifies the locations where lines in the corpus files are split into tokens. (See Details.)

The 'token identification' operation is conducted immediately after the 'cut area' operation.


Regular expression that identifies the locations of the actual tokens. This argument is only used if re_token_splitter is NULL. (See Details.)

The 'token identification' operation is conducted immediately after the 'cut area' operation.


Regular expression or NULL. If NULL, it is ignored. Otherwise, it identifies tokens that are to be excluded from the results. Any token that contains a match for re_drop_token is removed from the results. The 'drop token' operation is conducted immediately after the 'token identification' operation.


Regular expression that identifies areas in the tokens that are to be transformed. This argument works together with the argument token_transf_out.

If both re_token_transf_in and token_transf_out differ from NA, then all matches, in the tokens, for the regular expression re_token_transf_in are replaced with the replacement string token_transf_out.

The 'token transformation' operation is conducted immediately after the 'drop token' operation.


Replacement string. This argument works together with re_token_transf_in and is ignored if re_token_transf_in is NULL or NA.


Logical. Whether tokens must be converted to lowercase before returning the result. The 'token to lower' operation is conducted immediately after the 'token transformation' operation.


Logical. Whether the PCRE regular expression flavor is being used in the arguments that contain regular expressions.


Number that indicates how many corpus files are read to memory ⁠at each individual step' during the steps in the procedure; normally the default value of ⁠300' should not be changed, but when one works with exceptionally small corpus files, it may be worthwhile to use a higher number, and when one works with exceptionally large corpus files, it may be worthwhile to use a lower number.


IfTRUE, messages are printed to the console to indicate progress.

show_dots, dot_blocksize

If TRUE, dots are printed to the console to indicate progress.


File encoding that is assumed in the corpus files.


Argument in support of ngrams/skipgrams (see also max_skip).

If one wants to identify individual tokens, the value of ngram_size should be NULL or 1. If one wants to retrieve token ngrams/skipgrams, ngram_size should be an integer indicating the size of the ngrams/skipgrams. E.g. 2 for bigrams, or 3 for trigrams, etc.


Argument in support of skipgrams. This argument is ignored if ngram_size is NULL or is 1.

If ngram_size is 2 or higher, and max_skip is 0, then regular ngrams are being retrieved (albeit that they may contain open slots; see ngram_n_open).

If ngram_size is 2 or higher, and max_skip is 1 or higher, then skipgrams are being retrieved (which in the current implementation cannot contain open slots; see ngram_n_open).

For instance, if ngram_size is 3 and max_skip is 2, then 2-skip trigrams are being retrieved. Or if ngram_size is 5 and max_skip is 3, then 3-skip 5-grams are being retrieved.


Character vector of length 1 containing the string that is used to separate/link tokens in the representation of ngrams/skipgrams in the output of this function.


If ngram_size is 2 or higher, and moreover ngram_n_open is a number higher than 0, then ngrams with 'open slots' in them are retrieved. These ngrams with 'open slots' are generalizations of fully lexically specific ngrams (with the generalization being that one or more of the items in the ngram are replaced by a notation that stands for 'any arbitrary token').

For instance, if ngram_size is 4 and ngram_n_open is 1, and if moreover the input contains a 4-gram "it_is_widely_accepted", then the output will contain all modifications of "it_is_widely_accepted" in which one (since ngram_n_open is 1) of the items in this n-gram is replaced by an open slot. The first and the last item inside an ngram are never turned into an open slot; only the items in between are candidates for being turned into open slots. Therefore, in the example, the output will contain "it_[]_widely_accepted" and "it_is_[]_accepted".

As a second example, if ngram_size is 5 and ngram_n_open is 2, and if moreover the input contains a 5-gram "it_is_widely_accepted_that", then the output will contain "it_[]_[]_accepted_that", "it_[]_widely_[]_that", and "it_is_[]_[]_that".


Character string used to represent open slots in ngrams in the output of this function.


Logical. Whether x is to be interpreted as a character vector containing the actual contents of the corpus (if as_text is TRUE) or as a character vector containing the names of the corpus files (if as_text is FALSE). If if as_text is TRUE, then the arguments blocksize, verbose, show_dots, dot_blocksize, and file_encoding are ignored.


The actual token identification is either based on the re_token_splitter argument, a regular expression that identifies the areas between the tokens, or on re_token_extractor, a regular expression that identifies the area that are the tokens. The first mechanism is the default mechanism: the argument re_token_extractor is only used if re_token_splitter is NULL. Currently the implementation of re_token_extractor is a lot less time-efficient than that of re_token_splitter.


An object of class freqlist, which is based on the class table. It has additional attributes and methods such as:

Additional manipulation functions include type_freqs() to extract the frequencies of different items, freqlist_merge() to combine frequency lists, and freqlist_diff() to subtract a frequency list from another.

Objects of class freqlist can be saved to file with write_freqlist(); these files can be read with read_freqlist().


toy_corpus <- "Once upon a time there was a tiny toy corpus.
It consisted of three sentences. And it lived happily ever after."

(flist <- freqlist(toy_corpus, as_text = TRUE))
print(flist, n = 20)

t_splitter <- "(?xi) [:\\s.;,?!\"]+"
         re_token_splitter = t_splitter,
         as_text = TRUE)
         re_token_splitter = t_splitter,
         token_to_lower = FALSE,
         as_text = TRUE)

t_extractor <- "(?xi) ( [:;?!] | [.]+ | [\\w'-]+ )"
        re_token_splitter = NA,
        re_token_extractor = t_extractor,
        as_text = TRUE)

freqlist(letters, ngram_size = 3, as_text = TRUE)

freqlist(letters, ngram_size = 2, ngram_sep = " ", as_text = TRUE)

Subtract frequency lists


This function merges information from two frequency lists, subtracting the frequencies found in the second frequency lists from the frequencies found in the first list.


freqlist_diff(x, y)


x, y

Objects of class freqlist.


An object of class freqlist.


(flist1 <- freqlist("A first toy corpus.", as_text = TRUE))
(flist2 <- freqlist("A second toy corpus.", as_text = TRUE))

freqlist_diff(flist1, flist2)

Import a concordance


This function imports a concordance from files generated by other means than write_conc().


import_conc(x, file_encoding = "UTF-8", source_type = c("corpuseye"), ...)



A vector of input filenames.


Encoding of the file(s).


Character string. How the file is read. Currently only "corpuseye" is supported.


Additional arguments (not implemented).


An object of class conc.

See Also

read_conc() for files written with write_conc().

Subset an object based on logical criteria


These methods can be used to subset objects based on a logical vector.


keep_bool(x, bool, invert = FALSE, ...)

drop_bool(x, bool, ...)

## S3 method for class 'fnames'
drop_bool(x, bool, ...)

## S3 method for class 'fnames'
keep_bool(x, bool, invert = FALSE, ...)

## S3 method for class 'freqlist'
drop_bool(x, bool, ...)

## S3 method for class 'freqlist'
keep_bool(x, bool, invert = FALSE, ...)

## S3 method for class 'tokens'
drop_bool(x, bool, ...)

## S3 method for class 'tokens'
keep_bool(x, bool, invert = FALSE, ...)

## S3 method for class 'types'
drop_bool(x, bool, ...)

## S3 method for class 'types'
keep_bool(x, bool, invert = FALSE, ...)



An object of any of the classes for which the method is implemented.


A logical vector of the same length as x. If bool is not of the correct length, it is recycled. Assuming invert is FALSE, those items are selected for which bool is TRUE.


Logical. Whether the matches should be selected rather than the non-matches.


Additional arguments.


The methods keep_pos() and drop_pos() are part of a family of methods of the mclm package used to subset different objects. The methods starting with keep_ extract the items in x based on the criterion specified by the second argument. In contrast, the methods starting with drop_ exclude the items that match the criterion in the same argument.

Calling a drop_ method is equivalent to calling its keep_ counterpart when the invert argument is TRUE.


Object of the same class as x with the selected elements only.

See Also

Other subsetters: brackets, keep_pos(), keep_re(), keep_types()


# For a 'freqlist' object---------------------
(flist <- freqlist("The man and the mouse.", as_text = TRUE))

keep_bool(flist, type_freqs(flist) < 2)
drop_bool(flist, type_freqs(flist) >= 2)
keep_bool(flist, ranks(flist) <= 3)

keep_bool(flist, c(FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE)) 

(flist2 <- keep_bool(flist, type_freqs(flist) < 2))
keep_bool(flist2, orig_ranks(flist2) > 2)

# For a 'types' object ----------------------
(tps <- as_types(letters[1:10]))

keep_bool(tps, c(TRUE, FALSE))
drop_bool(tps, c(TRUE, FALSE))

# For a 'tokens' object ----------------------
(tks <- as_tokens(letters[1:10]))

keep_bool(tks, c(TRUE, FALSE))
drop_bool(tks, c(TRUE, FALSE))

Filter collection of filenames by name


The functions build a subset of an object of class fnames based on a vector of characters, either including them (with keep_fnames(invert = FALSE)) or excluding them (with keep_fnames(invert = FALSE) or drop_fnames()).


keep_fnames(x, y, invert = FALSE, ...)

drop_fnames(x, y, ...)



An object of class fnames, to be filtered.


An object of class fnames or class types or a character vector. This is the filtering criterion.


Boolean value. If TRUE, the elements in y are excluded rather than kept (and keep_fnames() behaves like drop_fnames())


Additional arguments.


An object of class fnames.


all_fnames <- as_fnames(c("file1", "file2", "file3",
                          "file4", "file5", "file6"))

unwanted_fnames <- as_fnames(c("file1", "file4"))
keep_fnames(all_fnames, unwanted_fnames, invert = TRUE)
drop_fnames(all_fnames, unwanted_fnames)

wanted_fnames <- as_fnames(c("file3", "file5"))
keep_fnames(all_fnames, wanted_fnames)

Subset an object by index


These methods can be used to subset objects based on a numeric vector of indices.


keep_pos(x, pos, invert = FALSE, ...)

## S3 method for class 'fnames'
drop_pos(x, pos, ...)

## S3 method for class 'fnames'
keep_pos(x, pos, invert = FALSE, ...)

## S3 method for class 'freqlist'
drop_pos(x, pos, ...)

## S3 method for class 'freqlist'
keep_pos(x, pos, invert = FALSE, ...)

drop_pos(x, pos, ...)

## S3 method for class 'tokens'
drop_pos(x, pos, ...)

## S3 method for class 'tokens'
keep_pos(x, pos, invert = FALSE, ...)

## S3 method for class 'types'
drop_pos(x, pos, ...)

## S3 method for class 'types'
keep_pos(x, pos, invert = FALSE, ...)



An object of any of the classes for which the method is implemented.


A numeric vector, the numbers in which identify positions (= indices) of items in x.

If the numbers are positive, then their values point to the items that are to be selected.

If the numbers are negative, then their absolute values point to the items that are not to be selected. Positive and negative numbers must not be mixed.


Logical. Whether the matches should be selected rather than the non-matches.


Additional arguments.


The methods keep_pos() and drop_pos() are part of a family of methods of the mclm package used to subset different objects. The methods starting with keep_ extract the items in x based on the criterion specified by the second argument. In contrast, the methods starting with drop_ exclude the items that match the criterion in the same argument.

Calling a drop_ method is equivalent to calling its keep_ counterpart when the invert argument is TRUE.


Object of the same class as x with the selected elements only.

See Also

Other subsetters: brackets, keep_bool(), keep_re(), keep_types()


# For a 'freqlist' object --------------------
(flist <- freqlist("The man and the mouse.", as_text = TRUE))

keep_pos(flist, c(2, 3))

# For a 'types' object -----------------------
(tps <- as_types(letters[1:10]))

keep_pos(tps, c(1, 3, 5, 7, 9))
drop_pos(tps, c(1, 3, 5, 7, 9))

# For a 'tokens' object ----------------------
(tks <- as_tokens(letters[1:10]))

keep_pos(tks, c(1, 3, 5, 7, 9))
drop_pos(tks, c(1, 3, 5, 7, 9))

Subset an object based on regular expressions


These methods can be used to subset objects based on a regular expression.


keep_re(x, pattern, perl = TRUE, invert = FALSE, ...)

drop_re(x, pattern, perl = TRUE, ...)

## S3 method for class 'fnames'
drop_re(x, pattern, perl = TRUE, ...)

## S3 method for class 'fnames'
keep_re(x, pattern, perl = TRUE, invert = FALSE, ...)

## S3 method for class 'freqlist'
drop_re(x, pattern, perl = TRUE, ...)

## S3 method for class 'freqlist'
keep_re(x, pattern, perl = TRUE, invert = FALSE, ...)

## S3 method for class 'tokens'
drop_re(x, pattern, perl = TRUE, ...)

## S3 method for class 'tokens'
keep_re(x, pattern, perl = TRUE, invert = FALSE, ...)

## S3 method for class 'types'
drop_re(x, pattern, perl = TRUE, ...)

## S3 method for class 'types'
keep_re(x, pattern, perl = TRUE, invert = FALSE, ...)



An object of any of the classes for which the method is implemented.


Either an object of the class re or a character vector of length one containing a regular expression.


Logical. Whether pattern is treated as a PCRE flavor regular expression. The perl argument is only used if pattern is a regular character vector. If pattern is an object of the class re, then the perl argument is ignored, and the relevant information in the re object pattern, viz. the value of pattern$perl, is used instead.


Logical. Whether the matches should be selected rather than the non-matches.


Additional arguments.


The methods keep_pos() and drop_pos() are part of a family of methods of the mclm package used to subset different objects. The methods starting with keep_ extract the items in x based on the criterion specified by the second argument. In contrast, the methods starting with drop_ exclude the items that match the criterion in the same argument.

Calling a drop_ method is equivalent to calling its keep_ counterpart when the invert argument is TRUE.


Object of the same class as x with the selected elements only.

See Also

Other subsetters: brackets, keep_bool(), keep_pos(), keep_types()


# For a 'freqlist' object --------------------
(flist <- freqlist("The man and the mouse.", as_text = TRUE))

keep_re(flist, "[ao]")
drop_re(flist, "[ao]")
keep_re(flist, "[ao]", invert = TRUE) # same as drop_re()

# For a 'types' object -----------------------
(tps <- as_types(letters[1:10]))

keep_re(tps, "[acegi]")
drop_re(tps, "[acegi]")

# For a 'tokens' object ----------------------
(tks <- as_tokens(letters[1:10]))

keep_re(tks, "[acegi]")
drop_re(tks, "[acegi]")

Subset an object based on a selection of types


These methods can be used to subset objects based on a list of types.


keep_types(x, types, invert = FALSE, ...)

drop_types(x, types, ...)

## S3 method for class 'fnames'
drop_types(x, types, ...)

## S3 method for class 'fnames'
keep_types(x, types, invert = FALSE, ...)

## S3 method for class 'freqlist'
drop_types(x, types, ...)

## S3 method for class 'freqlist'
keep_types(x, types, invert = FALSE, ...)

## S3 method for class 'tokens'
drop_types(x, types, ...)

## S3 method for class 'tokens'
keep_types(x, types, invert = FALSE, ...)

## S3 method for class 'types'
drop_types(x, types, ...)

## S3 method for class 'types'
keep_types(x, types, invert = FALSE, ...)



An object of any of the classes for which the method is implemented.


Either an object of the class types or a character vector.


Logical. Whether the matches should be selected rather than the non-matches.


Additional arguments.


The methods keep_pos() and drop_pos() are part of a family of methods of the mclm package used to subset different objects. The methods starting with keep_ extract the items in x based on the criterion specified by the second argument. In contrast, the methods starting with drop_ exclude the items that match the criterion in the same argument.

Calling a drop_ method is equivalent to calling its keep_ counterpart when the invert argument is TRUE.


Object of the same class as x with the selected elements only.

See Also

Other subsetters: brackets, keep_bool(), keep_pos(), keep_re()


# For a 'freqlist' object ------------------------
(flist <- freqlist("The man and the mouse.", as_text = TRUE))
keep_types(flist, c("man", "and"))
drop_types(flist, c("man", "and"))
keep_types(flist, c("man", "and"), invert = TRUE) # same as drop_types()

# For a 'types' object ---------------------------
(tps <- as_types(letters[1:10]))

keep_types(tps, c("a", "c", "e", "g", "i"))
drop_types(tps,  c("a", "c", "e", "g", "i"))

# For a 'tokens' object --------------------------
(tks <- as_tokens(letters[1:10]))

keep_types(tks, c("a", "c", "e", "g", "i"))
drop_types(tks,  c("a", "c", "e", "g", "i"))

Get text from xml node


Get text from xml node


mclm_xml_text(node, trim = FALSE)



XML node as read with xml2::read_xml().


If TRUE will trim leading and trailing spaces.


Character vector: The text value of the (elements of the) node, concatenated with spaces in between.


test_xml <- '
  <w pos="at">The</w>
  <w pos="nn">example</w>

test_xml_parsed <- xml2::read_xml(test_xml)

# xml2 output

# mclm version

Merge concordances


This function merges multiple objects of class conc into one conc object.


merge_conc(..., show_warnings = TRUE)



Two or more objects of class conc.


Logical. If FALSE, warnings are suppressed.


An object of class conc.


(cd_1 <- conc('A first very small corpus.', '\\w+', as_text = TRUE))

(cd_2 <- conc('A second very small corpus.', '\\w+', as_text = TRUE))
(cd_3 <- conc('A third very small corpus.', '\\w+', as_text = TRUE))
(cd <- merge_conc(cd_1, cd_2, cd_3))

Merge filenames collections


These functions merge two or more fnames objects into one larger fnames object, removing duplicates (keeping only the first appearance) and only resorting the items if sort = TRUE.


fnames_merge(x, y, sort = FALSE)

fnames_merge_all(..., sort = FALSE)


x, y

An object of class fnames.


Boolean value. Should the items in the output be sorted?


Various objects of class fnames or a list of objects of class fnames.


An object of class fnames.


cwd_fnames <- as_fnames(c("file1.txt", "file2.txt"))
cwd_fnames2 <- as_fnames(c("dir1/file3.txt", "dir1/file4.txt"))
cwd_fnames3 <- as_fnames(c("dir2/file5.txt", "dir2/file6.txt"))
fnames_merge(cwd_fnames, cwd_fnames2)
fnames_merge_all(cwd_fnames, cwd_fnames2, cwd_fnames3)

Merge frequency lists


These functions merge two or more frequency lists, adding up the frequencies. In the current implementation, original ranks are lost when merging.


freqlist_merge(x, y)



x, y

An object of class freqlist.


Various objects of class freqlist or a list of objects of class freqlist.


An object of class freqlist.


(flist1 <- freqlist("A first toy corpus.", as_text = TRUE))
(flist2 <- freqlist("A second toy corpus.", as_text = TRUE))
(flist3 <- freqlist("A third toy corpus.", as_text = TRUE))

freqlist_merge(flist1, flist2)

freqlist_merge_all(flist1, flist2, flist3)
freqlist_merge_all(list(flist1, flist2, flist3)) # same result

Merge tokens objects


tokens_merge() merges two tokens objects x and y into a larger tokens object. tokens_merge_all() merge all the arguments into one tokens object. The result is a concatenation of the tokens, in which the order of the items in the input is preserved.


tokens_merge(x, y)



x, y

An object of class tokens


Objects of class tokens or a list with objects of class tokens.


An object of class tokens.


(tks1 <- tokenize(c("This is a first sentence.")))
(tks2 <- tokenize(c("It is followed by a second one.")))
(tks3 <- tokenize(c("Then a third one follows.")))

tokens_merge(tks1, tks2)
tokens_merge_all(tks1, tks2, tks3)
tokens_merge_all(list(tks1, tks2, tks3))

Merge 'types' objects


These methods merge two or more objects of class types.


types_merge(x, y, sort = FALSE)

types_merge_all(..., sort = FALSE)


x, y

An object of class types.


Logical. Should the results be sorted.


Either objects of the class types or lists containing such objects.


An object of the class types.


  • types_merge(): Merge two types

  • types_merge_all(): Merge multiple types


(tps1 <- as_types(c("a", "simple", "simple", "example")))
(tps2 <- as_types(c("with", "a", "few", "words")))
(tps3 <- as_types(c("just", "for", "testing")))
types_merge(tps1, tps2)       # always removes duplicates, but doesn't sort
sort(types_merge(tps1, tps2)) # same, but with sorting
types_merge_all(tps1, tps2, tps3)
types_merge_all(list(tps1, tps2, tps3))

Count number of items in an 'fnames' object


This function counts the number of items, duplicated or not, in an fnames object. If there are duplicated items, it will return a warning.


n_fnames(x, ...)



Object of class fnames.


Additional arguments.


A number.


cwd_fnames <- as_fnames(c("folder/file1.txt", "folder/file2.txt", "folder/file3.txt"))

Count tokens


This method returns the number of tokens in an object.


n_tokens(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'freqlist'
n_tokens(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'tokens'
n_tokens(x, ...)



An object of any of the classes for which the method is implemented.


Additional arguments.


A number.

See Also

Other getters and setters: n_types(), orig_ranks(), ranks(), tot_n_tokens(), type_names()


(tks <- tokenize("The old man and the sea."))

(flist <- freqlist(tks))

Count types


This method returns the number of types in an object.


n_types(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'assoc_scores'
n_types(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'freqlist'
n_types(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'tokens'
n_types(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'types'
n_types(x, ...)



An object of any of the classes for which the method is implemented.


Additional arguments.


A number.

See Also

Other getters and setters: n_tokens(), orig_ranks(), ranks(), tot_n_tokens(), type_names()


(tks <- tokenize("The old man and the sea."))

# for a types object ----------
(tps <- types(tks))

# for a freqlist object -------
(flist <- freqlist(tks))

# for an assoc_scores object --
a <- c(10,    30,    15,    1)
b <- c(200, 1000,  5000,  300)
c <- c(100,   14,    16,    4)
d <- c(300, 5000, 10000, 6000)
types <- c("four", "fictitious", "toy", "examples")

(scores <- assoc_abcd(a, b, c, d, types = types))

Retrieve or set original ranks


These methods retrieve or set, for a the original ranks for the frequency counts of an object. These original ranks are only defined if x is the result of a selection procedure (i.e. if x contains frequency counts for a selection of items only, and not for all tokens in the corpus).


orig_ranks(x, ...)

orig_ranks(x) <- value

## S3 replacement method for class 'freqlist'
orig_ranks(x) <- value

## S3 method for class 'freqlist'
orig_ranks(x, with_names = FALSE, ...)

## Default S3 replacement method:
orig_ranks(x) <- value



An object of any of the classes for which the method is implemented.


Additional arguments.


Currently it can only be NULL.


Logical. Whether or not the items in the output should be given names. If TRUE, then the names of the types in the frequency list are used as names.


Either NULL or a numeric vector, representing the original ranks, with as its names the types to which these ranks apply.

See Also

Other getters and setters: n_tokens(), n_types(), ranks(), tot_n_tokens(), type_names()


x <- freqlist("The man and the mouse.",
              as_text = TRUE)
orig_ranks(x, with_names = TRUE)

y <- keep_types(x, c("man", "and"))

orig_ranks(y) <- NULL

tot_n_tokens(y) <- sum(y)

P right quantile in chi-squared distribution with 1 degree of freedom


P right quantile that takes as its argument a probability p and that returns the p right quantile in the χ2\chi^2 distribution with one degree of freedom. In other words, it returns a value q such that a proportion p χ2\chi^2 distribution with one degree of freedom lies above q.





A proportion.


The p right quantile in the χ2\chi^2 distribution with one degree of freedom.

See Also


Retrieve or set the flavor of a regular expression


These functions retrieve or set the perl property of an object of class re.



perl_flavor(x) <- value



Object of class re.




The assignment function merely sets the perl property so that the x attribute is read as an expression using the PCRE flavor of regular expression (when perl = TRUE) or not (when perl = FALSE). The regular expression itself is not modified: if perl is set to an inappropriate value, the regular expression will no longer function properly in any of the functions that support re objects.


A logical vector of length 1.


(regex <- re("^.{3,}"))

perl_flavor(regex) <- FALSE

perl_flavor(regex) <- TRUE

Print an object


This base method prints objects; here the arguments specific to mclm implementations are described.


## S3 method for class 'assoc_scores'
  n = 20,
  from = 1,
  freeze_cols = NULL,
  keep_cols = NULL,
  drop_cols = NULL,
  from_col = 1,
  sort_order = c("none", "G_signed", "PMI", "alpha"),
  extra = NULL,

## S3 method for class 'conc'
print(x, n = 30, ...)

## S3 method for class 'fnames'
  n = 20,
  from = 1,
  sort_order = c("none", "alpha"),
  extra = NULL,
  hide_path = NULL,

## S3 method for class 'freqlist'
print(x, n = 20, from = 1, extra = NULL, ...)

## S3 method for class 'slma'
print(x, n = 20, from = 1, ...)

## S3 method for class 'tokens'
print(x, n = 20, from = 1, extra = NULL, ...)

## S3 method for class 'types'
print(x, n = 20, from = 1, sort_order = c("none", "alpha"), extra = NULL, ...)



An object of any of the classes for which the method is implemented.


Maximum number of items in the object to be printed at once.


Index of the first item to be printed.


Names of columns that should not be affected by the argument from_col. Frozen columns are always printed to the left of non-frozen columns, even if in their original order was different. The names of the types are always and unavoidably printed as the leftmost column.

If this argument is NULL, then the default setting applies, meaning that the following columns, if present, are displayed in the "frozen area": a, PMI and G_signed.

To avoid any columns for being frozen, freeze_cols should be NA or character(0).

keep_cols, drop_cols

A vector of column names or NULL. If both arguments are NULL, all columns are printed (or as many as fit on the screen). If keep_cols is not NULL, it indicates the columns that should be printed. If it is NULL but drop_cols is not, then drop_cols indicates the columns that should not be printed. Note that they have no effect on the frozen area.

Columns that are blocked from printing by these arguments are still available to sort_order.


Index of the first column to be displayed in the regular area (among all selected columns, including frozen columns). If from_col points


Order in which the items are to be printed. In general, possible values are "alpha" (meaning that the items are to be sorted alphabetically), and "none" (meaning that the items are not to be sorted). If x is an object of class assoc_scores, a column name or vector of column names may be provided instead.


Extra settings, as an environment. Arguments defined here take precedence over other arguments. For instance, if extra$from_col is not NULL, it will overrule the from_col argument.


Additional printing arguments.


A character string with a regular expression or NULL. If it is not NULL, the character string will be removed from the paths when printing.


Invisibly, x. For objects of class assoc_scores, the output consists of two areas: the 'frozen area' on the left and the 'regular area' on the right. Both areas are visually separated by a vertical line (|). The distinction between them is more intuitive in explore(), where the frozen columns do not respond to horizontal movements (with the r and l commands). The equivalent in this method is the from_col argument.

Retrieve the current ranks for frequency counts.


ranks retrieves from the ranks of its items in an object. These ranks are integer values running from one up to the number of items in x. Each items receives a unique rank. Items are first ranked by frequency in descending order. Items with identical frequency are further ranked by alphabetic order.


ranks(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'freqlist'
ranks(x, with_names = FALSE, ...)



An object of any of the classes for which the method is implemented.


Additional arguments.


Logical. Whether or not the items in the output should be given names. If TRUE, then the names of the types in the frequency list are used as names.


The mclm method ranks() is not to be confused with base::rank(). There are two important differences.

First,base::rank() always ranks items from low values to high values and ranks() ranks from high frequency items to low frequency items.

Second, base::rank() allows the user to choose among a number of different ways to handle ties. In contrast, ranks() always handles ties in the same way. More specifically, items with identical frequencies are always ranked in alphabetical order.

In other words, base::rank() is a flexible tool that supports a number of different ranking methods that are commonly used in statistics. In contrast, ranks() is a rigid tool that supports only one type of ranking, which is a type of ranking that is atypical from a statistics point of view, but is commonly used in linguistic frequency lists. Also, it is designed to be unaffected by the order of the items in the frequency list.


Numeric vector representing the current ranks, with as its names the types to which the ranks apply.

See Also

Other getters and setters: n_tokens(), n_types(), orig_ranks(), tot_n_tokens(), type_names()


(flist <- freqlist("The man and the mouse.", as_text = TRUE))

ranks(flist, with_names = TRUE)

(flist2 <- keep_types(flist, c("man", "and")))


Build a regular expression


Create an object of class re or coerce a character vector to an object of class re.


re(x, perl = TRUE, ...)

as_re(x, perl = TRUE, ...), perl = TRUE, ...)



Character vector of length one. The value of this character vector is assumed to be a well-formed regular expression. In the current implementation this is assumed, not checked.


Logical. If TRUE, x is assumed to use PCRE (i.e. Perl Compatible Regular Expressions) notation. If FALSE, x is assumed to use base R's default regular expression notation. Contrary to base R's regular expression functions, re() assumes that the PCRE regular expression flavor is used by default.


Additional arguments.


This class exists because some functions in the mclm package require their arguments to be marked as being regular expressions. For example, keep_re() does not need its pattern argument to be a re object, but if the user wants to subset items with brackets using a regular expression, they must use a re object.


An object of class re, which is a wrapper around a character vector flagging it as containing a regular expression. In essence it is a named list: the x item contains the x input and the perl item contains the value of the perl argument (TRUE by default).

It has basic methods such as print(), summary() and as.character().

See Also

perl_flavor(), scan_re(), cat_re()


toy_corpus <- "Once upon a time there was a tiny toy corpus.
  It consisted of three sentences. And it lived happily ever after."

(tks <- tokenize(toy_corpus))

# In `keep_re()`, the use of `re()` is optional
keep_re(tks, re("^.{3,}"))
keep_re(tks, "^.{3,}")

# When using brackets notation, `re()` is necessary

# build and print a `re` object

Convenience functions in support of regular expressions


These functions are essentially simple wrappers around base R functions such as regexpr(), gregexpr(), grepl(), grep(), sub() and gsub(). The most important differences between the functions documented here and the R base functions is the order of the arguments (x before pattern) and the fact that the argument perl is set to TRUE by default.


  pattern, = FALSE,
  perl = TRUE,
  fixed = FALSE,
  useBytes = FALSE,
  requested_group = NULL,
  drop_NA = FALSE,

  pattern, = FALSE,
  perl = TRUE,
  fixed = FALSE,
  useBytes = FALSE,
  requested_group = NULL,
  drop_NA = FALSE,

  pattern, = FALSE,
  perl = TRUE,
  fixed = FALSE,
  useBytes = FALSE,
  requested_group = NULL,
  unlist = TRUE,

  pattern, = FALSE,
  perl = TRUE,
  fixed = FALSE,
  useBytes = FALSE,

  pattern, = FALSE,
  perl = TRUE,
  fixed = FALSE,
  useBytes = FALSE,

  replacement, = FALSE,
  perl = TRUE,
  fixed = FALSE,
  useBytes = FALSE,

  replacement, = FALSE,
  perl = TRUE,
  fixed = FALSE,
  useBytes = FALSE,



Character vector to be searched or modified.


Regular expression specifying what is to be searched.

Logical. Should the search be case insensitive?


Logical. Whether the regular expressions use the PCRE flavor of regular expression. Unlike in base R functions, the default is TRUE.


Logical. If TRUE, pattern is a string to be matched as is, i.e. wildcards and special characters are not interpreted.


Logical. If TRUE the matching is done byte-by-byte rather than character-by-character. See 'Details' in grep().


Numeric. If NULL or 0, the output will contain matches for pattern as a whole. If another number n is provided, then the output will not contain matches for pattern but instead will only contain the matches for the nth capturing group in pattern (the first if requested_group = 1, the second if requested_group = 2...).


Logical. If FALSE, the output always has the same length as the input x and items that do not contain a match for pattern yield NA. If TRUE, such NA values are removed and therefore the result might contain fewer items than x.


Additional arguments.


Logical. If FALSE, the output always has the same length as the input x. More specifically, the result will be a list in which input items that do not contain a match for pattern yield an empty vector, whereas input items that do match will yield a vector of at least length one (depending on the number of matches). If TRUE, the output is a single vector the length of which may be shorter or longer than x.


Character vector of length one specifying the replacement string. It is to be taken literally, except that the notation ⁠\\1⁠, ⁠\\2⁠, etc. can be used to refer to groups in pattern.


For some of the arguments (e.g. perl, fixed) the reader is directed to base R's regex documentation.


re_retrieve_first(), re_retrieve_last() and re_retrieve_all() return either a single vector of character data or a list containing such vectors. re_replace_first() and re_replace_all() return the same type of character vector as x.

re_has_matches() returns a logical vector indicating whether a match was found in each of the elements in x; re_which() returns a numeric vector indicating the indices of the elements of x for which a match was found.


  • re_retrieve_first(): Retrieve from each item in x the first match of pattern.

  • re_retrieve_last(): Retrieve from each item in x the last match of pattern.

  • re_retrieve_all(): Retrieve from each item in x all matches of pattern.

  • re_has_matches(): Simple wrapper around grepl().

  • re_which(): Simple wrapper around grep().

  • re_replace_first(): Simple wrapper around sub().

  • re_replace_all(): Simple wrapper around gsub().


x <- tokenize("This is a sentence with a couple of words in it.")
pattern <- "[oe](.)(.)"

re_retrieve_first(x, pattern)
re_retrieve_first(x, pattern, drop_NA = TRUE)
re_retrieve_first(x, pattern, requested_group = 1)
re_retrieve_first(x, pattern, drop_NA = TRUE, requested_group = 1)
re_retrieve_first(x, pattern, requested_group = 2)

re_retrieve_last(x, pattern)
re_retrieve_last(x, pattern, drop_NA = TRUE)
re_retrieve_last(x, pattern, requested_group = 1)
re_retrieve_last(x, pattern, drop_NA = TRUE, requested_group = 1)
re_retrieve_last(x, pattern, requested_group = 2)

re_retrieve_all(x, pattern)
re_retrieve_all(x, pattern, unlist = FALSE)
re_retrieve_all(x, pattern, requested_group = 1)
re_retrieve_all(x, pattern, unlist = FALSE, requested_group = 1)
re_retrieve_all(x, pattern, requested_group = 2)

re_replace_first(x, "([oe].)", "{\\1}")
re_replace_all(x, "([oe].)", "{\\1}")

Read association scores from file


This function reads a file written by write_assoc().


read_assoc(file, sep = "\t", file_encoding = "UTF-8", ...)



Path of the input file.


Field separator in the input file.


Encoding of the input file.


Additional arguments.


An object of class assoc_scores.

See Also


Other reading functions: read_conc(), read_fnames(), read_freqlist(), read_tokens(), read_txt(), read_types()


txt1 <- "we're just two lost souls swimming in a fish bowl,
year after year, running over the same old ground,
what have we found? the same old fears.
wish you were here."
flist1 <- freqlist(txt1, as_text = TRUE)
txt2 <- "picture yourself in a boat on a river
with tangerine dreams and marmelade skies
somebody calls you, you answer quite slowly
a girl with kaleidoscope eyes"
flist2 <- freqlist(txt2, as_text = TRUE)
(scores <- assoc_scores(flist1, flist2, min_freq = 0))

write_assoc(scores, "")
(scores2 <- read_assoc(""))

Read a concordance from a file


This function reads concordance-based data frames that are written to file with the function write_conc().


  sep = "\t",
  file_encoding = "UTF-8",
  stringsAsFactors = FALSE,



Name of the input file.


Field separator used in the input file.


Encoding of the input file.


Logical. Whether character data should automatically be converted to factors. It applies to all columns except for "source", "left", "match" and "right", which are never converted.


Additional arguments, not implemented.


Object of class conc.

See Also

import_conc() for reading files not generated with write_conc().

Other reading functions: read_assoc(), read_fnames(), read_freqlist(), read_tokens(), read_txt(), read_types()


(d <- conc('A very small corpus.', '\\w+', as_text = TRUE))

write_conc(d, "")
(d2 <- read_conc(""))

Read a collection of filenames from a text file


This function reads an object of class fnames from a text file, which is assumed to contain one filename on each line.


read_fnames(file, sep = NA, file_encoding = "UTF-8", trim_fnames = FALSE, ...)



Path to input file.


Character vector of length 1 or NA. If it is a character, it indicates a separator between input files, in addition to the new line.


Encoding used in the input file.


Boolean. Should leading and trailing whitespace be stripped from the filenames?


Additional arguments (not implemented).


An object of class fnames.

See Also


Other reading functions: read_assoc(), read_conc(), read_freqlist(), read_tokens(), read_txt(), read_types()


cwd_fnames <- as_fnames(c("file1.txt", "file2.txt"))
write_fnames(cwd_fnames, "file_with_filenames.txt")
cwd_fnames_2 <- read_fnames("file_with_filenames.txt")

Read a frequency list from a csv file


This function reads an object of the class freqlist from a csv file. The csv file is assumed to contain two columns, the first being the type and the second being the frequency of that type. The file is also assumed to have a header line with the names of both columns.


read_freqlist(file, sep = "\t", file_encoding = "UTF-8", ...)



Character vector of length 1. Path to the input file.


Character vector of length 1. Column separator.


File encoding used in the input file.


Additional arguments (not implemented).


read_freqlist not only reads the file file, but also checks whether a configuration file exists with a name that is identical to file, except that it has the filename extension ".yaml".

If such a file exists, then that configuration file is taken to 'belong' to file and is also read and the frequency list attributes "tot_n_tokens" and "tot_n_types" are retrieved from it.

If no such configuration file exists, then the values for "tot_n_tokens" and "tot_n_types" are calculated on the basis of the frequencies in the frequency list.


Object of class freqlist.

See Also


Other reading functions: read_assoc(), read_conc(), read_fnames(), read_tokens(), read_txt(), read_types()


toy_corpus <- "Once upon a time there was a tiny toy corpus.
It consisted of three sentences. And it lived happily ever after."
freqs <- freqlist(toy_corpus, as_text = TRUE)

print(freqs, n = 1000)

write_freqlist(freqs, "example_freqlist.csv")
freqs2 <- read_freqlist("example_freqlist.csv")
print(freqs2, n = 1000)

Read a tokens object from a text file


This function reads an object of the class tokens from a text file, typically stored with write_tokens(). The text file is assumed to contain one token on each line and not to have a header.


read_tokens(file, file_encoding = "UTF-8", ...)



Name of the input file.


Encoding to read the input file.


Additional arguments (not implemented).


An object of class tokens.

See Also


Other reading functions: read_assoc(), read_conc(), read_fnames(), read_freqlist(), read_txt(), read_types()


(tks <- tokenize("The old man and the sea."))
write_tokens(tks, "file_with_tokens.txt")
(tks2 <- read_tokens("file_with_tokens.txt"))

Read a text file into a character vector


This function reads a text file and returns a character vector containing the lines in the text file.


read_txt(file, file_encoding = "UTF-8", line_glue = NA, ...)



Name of the input file.


Encoding of the input file.


A character vector or NA. If NA, the output is a character vector in which each input line is a separate item, as in readr::read_lines(). Otherwise, the output is a character vector of length 1 in which all input lines are concatenated, using the value of line_glue[1] as line separator and as end-of-last-line marker.


Additional arguments (not implemented).


A character vector.

See Also


Other reading functions: read_assoc(), read_conc(), read_fnames(), read_freqlist(), read_tokens(), read_types()


x <- "This is
a small

# write the text to a text file
write_txt(x, "example-text-file.txt")
# read a text from file
y <- read_txt("example-text-file.txt")

Read a vector of types from a text file


This function read an object of the class types from a text file. By default, the text file is assumed to contain one type on each line.


  sep = NA,
  file_encoding = "UTF-8",
  trim_types = FALSE,
  remove_duplicates = FALSE,
  sort = FALSE,



Name of the input file.


If not, then sep must be a character vector of length one. In that case, sep is interpreted as a type separator in the input file. This separator the serves as an additional type separator, next to the end of each line. The end of a line always indicated a separator between types (in other words, types cannot cross lines).


The file encoding used in the input file.


Logical. Should leading and trailing white space should be stripped from the types.


Logical. Should duplicates be removed from x prior to coercing to a vector of types.


Logical. Should x be alphabetically sorted prior to coercing to a vector of types; this argument is ignored if remove_duplicates is TRUE, because the result of removing duplicates is always sorted.


Additional arguments (not implemented).


Object of class types.

See Also


Other reading functions: read_assoc(), read_conc(), read_fnames(), read_freqlist(), read_tokens(), read_txt()


types <- as_types(c("first", "second", "third"))
write_types(types, "file_with_types.txt")
types_2 <- read_types("file_with_types.txt")

Scan a regular expression from console


The functions scan_re() and scan_re2() can be used to scan a regular expression from the console.


scan_re(perl = TRUE, ...)

scan_re2(perl = TRUE, ...)



Logical. If TRUE, the regular expression being scanned is assumed to use PCRE (Perl Compatible Regular Expressions) notation. If FALSE, it is assumed to use base R's default regular expression notation (see base::regex). Contrary to base R's regular expression functions, the default is TRUE.


Additional arguments.


After the function call, R will continue scanning your input until it encounters an empty input line, i.e. until it encounters two consecutive newline symbols (or until it encounters a line with nothing but whitespace characters). In other words, press ENTER twice in a row if you want to stop inputting characters. The function will then return your input as a character vector of length one.

These functions are designed to allow you to input complex text, in particular regular expressions, without dealing with the restrictions of string literals, such as having to use ⁠\\⁠ for ⁠\⁠.


An object of class re.

See Also

scan_txt(), cat_re()

Scan a character string from console


The functions scan_txt() and scan_txt2(), which take no arguments, can be used to scan a text string from the console.





After the function call, R will continue scanning your input until it encounters an empty input line, i.e. until it encounters two consecutive newline symbols (or until it encounters a line with nothing but whitespace characters). In other words, press ENTER twice in a row if you want to stop inputting characters. The function will then return your input as a character vector of length one.

These functions are designed to allow you to input complex text, in particular regular expressions, without dealing with the restrictions of string literals, such as having to use ⁠\\⁠ for ⁠\⁠.


A character vector of length one that contains the string that has been scanned from the console.

See Also


Shorten filenames


Helper functions that make the paths to a file shorter.


drop_path(x, ...)

drop_extension(x, ...)

short_names(x, ...)



An object of class fnames or a character vector.


Additional arguments.


An object of the same class as x.


  • drop_path(): Extract the base name of a path, removing the paths leading to it.

  • drop_extension(): Remove extension from a filename.

  • short_names(): Remove both paths leading to a file and its extension.


cwd_fnames <- as_fnames(c("folder/file1.txt", "folder/file2.txt", "folder/file3.txt"))
short_names(cwd_fnames) # same as drop_path(drop_extension(cwd_fnames))

Stable lexical marker analysis


This function conducts a stable lexical marker analysis.


  file_encoding = "UTF-8",
  sig_cutoff = qchisq(0.95, df = 1),
  small_pos = 1e-05,
  keep_intermediate = FALSE,
  verbose = TRUE,
  min_rank = 1,
  max_rank = 5000,
  keeplist = NULL,
  stoplist = NULL,
  ngram_size = NULL,
  max_skip = 0,
  ngram_sep = "_",
  ngram_n_open = 0,
  ngram_open = "[]",


x, y

Character vector or fnames object with filenames for the two sets of documents.


Encoding of all the files to read.


Numeric value indicating the cutoff value for 'significance in the stable lexical marker analysis. The default value is qchist(.95, df = 1), which is about 3.84.


Alternative (but sometimes inferior) approach to dealing with zero frequencies, compared to haldane. The argument small_pos only applies when haldane is set to FALSE. (See the Details section.)

If haldane is FALSE, and there is at least one zero frequency in a contingency table, adding small positive values to the zero frequency cells is done systematically for all measures calculated for that table, not just for measures that need this to be done.


Logical. If TRUE, results from intermediate calculations are kept in the output as the "intermediate" element. This is necessary if you want to inspect the object with the details() method.


Logical. Whether progress should be printed to the console during analysis.

min_rank, max_rank

Minimum and maximum frequency rank in the first corpus (x) of the items to take into consideration as candidate stable markers. Only tokens or token n-grams with a frequency rank greater than or equal to min_rank and lower than or equal to max_rank will be included.


List of types that must certainly be included in the list of candidate markers regardless of their frequency rank and of stoplist.


List of types that must not be included in the list of candidate markers, although, if a type is included in keeplist, its inclusion in stoplist is disregarded.


Argument in support of ngrams/skipgrams (see also max_skip).

If one wants to identify individual tokens, the value of ngram_size should be NULL or 1. If one wants to retrieve token ngrams/skipgrams, ngram_size should be an integer indicating the size of the ngrams/skipgrams. E.g. 2 for bigrams, or 3 for trigrams, etc.


Argument in support of skipgrams. This argument is ignored if ngram_size is NULL or is 1.

If ngram_size is 2 or higher, and max_skip is 0, then regular ngrams are being retrieved (albeit that they may contain open slots; see ngram_n_open).

If ngram_size is 2 or higher, and max_skip is 1 or higher, then skipgrams are being retrieved (which in the current implementation cannot contain open slots; see ngram_n_open).

For instance, if ngram_size is 3 and max_skip is 2, then 2-skip trigrams are being retrieved. Or if ngram_size is 5 and max_skip is 3, then 3-skip 5-grams are being retrieved.


Character vector of length 1 containing the string that is used to separate/link tokens in the representation of ngrams/skipgrams in the output of this function.


If ngram_size is 2 or higher, and moreover ngram_n_open is a number higher than 0, then ngrams with 'open slots' in them are retrieved. These ngrams with 'open slots' are generalizations of fully lexically specific ngrams (with the generalization being that one or more of the items in the ngram are replaced by a notation that stands for 'any arbitrary token').

For instance, if ngram_size is 4 and ngram_n_open is 1, and if moreover the input contains a 4-gram "it_is_widely_accepted", then the output will contain all modifications of "it_is_widely_accepted" in which one (since ngram_n_open is 1) of the items in this n-gram is replaced by an open slot. The first and the last item inside an ngram are never turned into an open slot; only the items in between are candidates for being turned into open slots. Therefore, in the example, the output will contain "it_[]_widely_accepted" and "it_is_[]_accepted".

As a second example, if ngram_size is 5 and ngram_n_open is 2, and if moreover the input contains a 5-gram "it_is_widely_accepted_that", then the output will contain "it_[]_[]_accepted_that", "it_[]_widely_[]_that", and "it_is_[]_[]_that".


Character string used to represent open slots in ngrams in the output of this function.


Additional arguments.


A stable lexical marker analysis of the A-documents in x versus the B-documents in y starts from a separate keyword analysis for all possible document couples (a,b)(a,b), with a an A-document and b a B-document. If there are n A-documents and m B-documents, then nmn*m keyword analyses are conducted. The 'stability' of a linguistic item x, as a marker for the collection of A-documents (when compared to the B-documents) corresponds to the frequency and consistency with which x is found to be a keyword for the A-documents across all aforementioned keyword analyses.

In any specific keyword analysis, x is considered a keyword for an A-document if G_signed is positive and moreover p_G is less than sig_cutoff (see assoc_scores() for more information on the measures). Item x is considered a keyword for the B-document if G_signed is negative and moreover p_G is less than sig_cutoff.


An object of class slma, which is a named list with at least the following elements:

  • A scores dataframe with information about the stability of the chosen lexical items. (See below.)

  • An intermediate list with a register of intermediate values if keep_intermediate was TRUE.

  • Named items registering the values of the arguments with the same name, namely sig_cutoff, small_pos, x, and y.

The slma object has as_data_frame() and print methods as well as an ad-hoc details() method. Note that the print method simply prints the main dataframe.

Contents of the scores element

The scores element is a dataframe of which the rows are linguistic items for which a stable lexical marker analysis was conducted and the columns are different 'stability measures' and related statistics. By default, the linguistic items are sorted by decreasing 'stability' according to the S_lor measure.

Column Name Computation Range of values
S_abs Absolute stability S_att - S_rep (nm)-(n*m) -- (nm)(n*m)
S_nrm Normalized stability S_abs / nmn*m -1 -- 1
S_att Stability of attraction Number of (a,b)(a,b) couples in which the linguistic item is a keyword for the A-documents 0 -- nmn*m
S_rep Stability of repulsion Number of (a,b)(a,b) couples in which the linguistic item is a keyword for the B-documents 0 -- nmn*m
S_lor Log of odds ratio stability Mean of log_OR across all (a,b)(a,b) couples but setting to 0 the value when p_G is larger than sig_cutoff

S_lor is then computed as a fraction with as its numerator the sum of all log_OR values across all (a,b)(a,b) couples for which p_G is lower than sig_cutoff and as its denominator nmn*m. For more on log_OR, see the Value section on on assoc_scores(). The final three columns on the output are meant as a tool in support of the interpretation of the log_OR column. Considering all (a,b)(a,b) couples for which p_G is smaller than sig_cutoff, lor_min, lor_max and lor_sd are their minimum, maximum and standard deviation for each element.


a_corp <- get_fnames(system.file("extdata", "cleveland", package = "mclm"))
b_corp <- get_fnames(system.file("extdata", "roosevelt", package = "mclm"))
slma_ex <- slma(a_corp, b_corp)

Sort an 'assoc_scores' object


Sort a full object of class assoc_scores based on some criterion. It's the same that print does but with a bit more flexibility.


## S3 method for class 'assoc_scores'
sort(x, decreasing = TRUE, sort_order = "none", ...)



Object of class assoc_scores.


Boolean value.

If sort_order = "alpha" and decreasing = FALSE, the rows will follow the alphabetic order of the types. If decreasing = TRUE instead, it will follow an inverted alphabetic order (from Z to A). This follows the behavior of applying sort() to a character vector: note that the default value is probably not what you would want.

If sort_order is a column for which a lower value indicates a higher association, i.e. it's a form of p-value, decreasing = TRUE will place lower values on top and higher values at the bottom.

For any other column, decreasing = TRUE will place higher values on top and lower values at the bottom.


Criterion to order the rows. Possible values are "alpha" (meaning that the items are to be sorted alphabetically), "none" (meaning that the items are not to be sorted) and any present column name.


Additional arguments.


An object of class assoc_scores.


a <- c(10,    30,    15,    1)
b <- c(200, 1000,  5000,  300)
c <- c(100,   14,    16,    4)
d <- c(300, 5000, 10000, 6000)
types <- c("four", "fictitious", "toy", "examples")
(scores <- assoc_abcd(a, b, c, d, types = types))

print(scores, sort_order = "PMI")
sorted_scores <- sort(scores, sort_order = "PMI")

sort(scores, decreasing = FALSE, sort_order = "PMI")

Sort a frequency list


This method sorts an object of class freqlist.


## S3 method for class 'freqlist'
  decreasing = FALSE,
  sort_crit = c("ranks", "names", "orig_ranks", "freqs"),
  na_last = TRUE,



Object of class freqlist.


Logical. If TRUE items are sorted from large to small; if FALSE, from small to large.

Note, however, that ranking in frequency lists is such that lower ranks correspond to higher frequencies. Therefore, sorting by rank (either "ranks" or "orig_ranks") with decreasing set to its default value FALSE results in the highest frequencies ending up at the beginning of the sorted list.


Character string determining the sorting criterion.

If sort_crit is "ranks", then the items in the frequency list are sorted by their current frequency rank.

If sort_crit is "names", then the items in the frequency list are sorted alphabetically their name.

If sort_crit is "orig_ranks", then the items in the frequency list are sorted by their original ranks (if those are present), or by their current frequency ranks (if no original ranks are present).

Finally, sorting with sort_crit set to "freqs" is identical to sorting by frequency ranks, but with the meaning of the argument decreasing being reversed. In other words, sorting by frequencies ("freqs") with decreasing set to its default value FALSE results in the lowest frequencies ending up at the beginning of the sorted list.


Logical defining the behavior of NA elements.

This argument is only relevant when sort_crit is "orig_ranks" because currently names and frequencies are not allowed to be NA in frequency lists.

If na_last is TRUE, then items with a sorting criterion of NA end up at the end of the sorted frequency list. If na_last is FALSE, then items with a sorting criterion of NA end up at the start of the sorted frequency list. If na_last is NA, then items with a sorting criterion of NA are removed from the sorted frequency list.


Additional arguments.


Because of the way ranks are calculated for ties (with lower ranks being assigned to ties earlier in the list), sorting the list may affect the ranks of ties. More specifically, ranks among ties may differ depending on the criterion that is used to sort the frequency list.


Object of class freqlist.


(flist <- freqlist(tokenize("the old story of the old man and the sea.")))
sort(flist, decreasing = TRUE)

Create or coerce an object into class tokens


tokenize() splits a text into a sequence of tokens, using regular expressions to identify them, and returns an object of the class tokens.


  re_drop_line = NULL,
  line_glue = NULL,
  re_cut_area = NULL,
  re_token_splitter = re("[^_\\p{L}\\p{N}\\p{M}'-]+"),
  re_token_extractor = re("[_\\p{L}\\p{N}\\p{M}'-]+"),
  re_drop_token = NULL,
  re_token_transf_in = NULL,
  token_transf_out = NULL,
  token_to_lower = TRUE,
  perl = TRUE,
  ngram_size = NULL,
  max_skip = 0,
  ngram_sep = "_",
  ngram_n_open = 0,
  ngram_open = "[]"



Either a character vector or an object of class NLP::TextDocument that contains the text to be tokenized.


NULL or character vector. If NULL, it is ignored. Otherwise, a character vector (assumed to be of length 1) containing a regular expression. Lines in x that contain a match for re_drop_line are treated as not belonging to the corpus and are excluded from the results.


NULL or character vector. If NULL, it is ignored. Otherwise, all lines in a corpus file (or in x, if as_text is TRUE), are glued together in one character vector of length 1, with the string line_glue pasted in between consecutive lines. The value of line_glue can also be equal to the empty string "". The 'line glue' operation is conducted immediately after the 'drop line' operation.


NULL or character vector. If NULL, it is ignored. Otherwise, all matches in a corpus file (or in x, if as_text is TRUE), are 'cut out' of the text prior to the identification of the tokens in the text (and are therefore not taken into account when identifying the tokens). The 'cut area' operation is conducted immediately after the 'line glue' operation.


Regular expression or NULL. Regular expression that identifies the locations where lines in the corpus files are split into tokens. (See Details.)

The 'token identification' operation is conducted immediately after the 'cut area' operation.


Regular expression that identifies the locations of the actual tokens. This argument is only used if re_token_splitter is NULL. (See Details.)

The 'token identification' operation is conducted immediately after the 'cut area' operation.


Regular expression or NULL. If NULL, it is ignored. Otherwise, it identifies tokens that are to be excluded from the results. Any token that contains a match for re_drop_token is removed from the results. The 'drop token' operation is conducted immediately after the 'token identification' operation.


Regular expression that identifies areas in the tokens that are to be transformed. This argument works together with the argument token_transf_out.

If both re_token_transf_in and token_transf_out differ from NA, then all matches, in the tokens, for the regular expression re_token_transf_in are replaced with the replacement string token_transf_out.

The 'token transformation' operation is conducted immediately after the 'drop token' operation.


Replacement string. This argument works together with re_token_transf_in and is ignored if re_token_transf_in is NULL or NA.


Logical. Whether tokens must be converted to lowercase before returning the result. The 'token to lower' operation is conducted immediately after the 'token transformation' operation.


Logical. Whether the PCRE regular expression flavor is being used in the arguments that contain regular expressions.


Argument in support of ngrams/skipgrams (see also max_skip).

If one wants to identify individual tokens, the value of ngram_size should be NULL or 1. If one wants to retrieve token ngrams/skipgrams, ngram_size should be an integer indicating the size of the ngrams/skipgrams. E.g. 2 for bigrams, or 3 for trigrams, etc.


Argument in support of skipgrams. This argument is ignored if ngram_size is NULL or is 1.

If ngram_size is 2 or higher, and max_skip is 0, then regular ngrams are being retrieved (albeit that they may contain open slots; see ngram_n_open).

If ngram_size is 2 or higher, and max_skip is 1 or higher, then skipgrams are being retrieved (which in the current implementation cannot contain open slots; see ngram_n_open).

For instance, if ngram_size is 3 and max_skip is 2, then 2-skip trigrams are being retrieved. Or if ngram_size is 5 and max_skip is 3, then 3-skip 5-grams are being retrieved.


Character vector of length 1 containing the string that is used to separate/link tokens in the representation of ngrams/skipgrams in the output of this function.


If ngram_size is 2 or higher, and moreover ngram_n_open is a number higher than 0, then ngrams with 'open slots' in them are retrieved. These ngrams with 'open slots' are generalizations of fully lexically specific ngrams (with the generalization being that one or more of the items in the ngram are replaced by a notation that stands for 'any arbitrary token').

For instance, if ngram_size is 4 and ngram_n_open is 1, and if moreover the input contains a 4-gram "it_is_widely_accepted", then the output will contain all modifications of "it_is_widely_accepted" in which one (since ngram_n_open is 1) of the items in this n-gram is replaced by an open slot. The first and the last item inside an ngram are never turned into an open slot; only the items in between are candidates for being turned into open slots. Therefore, in the example, the output will contain "it_[]_widely_accepted" and "it_is_[]_accepted".

As a second example, if ngram_size is 5 and ngram_n_open is 2, and if moreover the input contains a 5-gram "it_is_widely_accepted_that", then the output will contain "it_[]_[]_accepted_that", "it_[]_widely_[]_that", and "it_is_[]_[]_that".


Character string used to represent open slots in ngrams in the output of this function.


If the output contains ngrams with open slots, then the order of the items in the output is no longer meaningful. For instance, let's imagine a case where ngram_size is 5 and ngram_n_open is 2. If the input contains a 5-gram "it_is_widely_accepted_that", then the output will contain "it_[]_[]_accepted_that", "it_[]_widely_[]_that" and "it_is_[]_[]_that". The relative order of these three items in the output must be considered arbitrary.


An object of class tokens, i.e. a sequence of tokens. It has a number of attributes and method such as:

Additional manipulation functions include the trunc_at() method to ??, tokens_merge() and tokens_merge_all() to combine token lists and an as_character() method to convert to a character vector.

Objects of class tokens can be saved to file with write_tokens(); these files can be read with read_freqlist().

See Also



toy_corpus <- "Once upon a time there was a tiny toy corpus.
It consisted of three sentences. And it lived happily ever after."

tks <- tokenize(toy_corpus)
print(tks, n = 1000)

tks <- tokenize(toy_corpus, re_token_splitter = "\\W+")
print(tks, n = 1000)

tokenize(toy_corpus, ngram_size = 3)

tokenize(toy_corpus, ngram_size = 3, max_skip = 2)

tokenize(toy_corpus, ngram_size = 3, ngram_n_open = 1)

Retrieve or set the total number of tokens


These methods retrieve or set the total number of tokens in the corpus on which the frequency counts are based. This total number of tokens may be higher than the sum of all frequency counts in x, for instance, if x contains frequency counts for a selection of items only, and not for all tokens in the corpus.



tot_n_tokens(x) <- value

## S3 replacement method for class 'freqlist'
tot_n_tokens(x) <- value

## S3 method for class 'freqlist'



An object of any of the classes for which the method is implemented.


Numerical value.


A number.

See Also

Other getters and setters: n_tokens(), n_types(), orig_ranks(), ranks(), type_names()


x <- freqlist("The man and the mouse.",
              re_token_splitter = "(?xi) [:\\s.;,?!\"]+",
              as_text = TRUE)

y <- keep_types(x, c("man", "and"))

tot_n_tokens(y) <- sum(y)

Truncate a sequence of character data


This method takes as its argument x an object that represents a sequence of character data, such as an object of class tokens, and truncates it at the position where a match for the argument pattern is found. Currently it is only implemented for tokens objects.


trunc_at(x, pattern, ...)

## S3 method for class 'tokens'
  keep_this = FALSE,
  last_match = FALSE,
  from_end = FALSE,



An object that represents a sequence of character data.


A regular expression.


Additional arguments.


Logical. Whether the matching token itself should be kept. If TRUE, the truncating happens right after the matching token; if FALSE, right before.


Logical. In case there are several matching tokens, if last_match is TRUE, the last match will be used as truncating point; otherwise, the first match will.


Logical. If FALSE, the match starts from the first token progressing forward; if TRUE, it starts from the last token progressing backward.

If from_end is FALSE, the part of x that is kept after truncation is the head of x. If it is TRUE instead, the part that is kept after truncation is the tail of x.


A truncated version of x.


(toks <- tokenize('This is a first sentence . This is a second sentence .',
re_token_splitter = '\\s+'))

trunc_at(toks, re("[.]"))

trunc_at(toks, re("[.]"), last_match = TRUE)

trunc_at(toks, re("[.]"), last_match = TRUE, from_end = TRUE)

Retrieve frequencies from 'freqlist' object


type_freq and type_freqs retrieve the frequency of all or some of the items of a freqlist object.


type_freqs(x, types = NULL, with_names = FALSE, ...)

type_freq(x, types = NULL, with_names = FALSE, ...)



Object of class freqlist.


NULL or a character vector or an object of the class types.

If the argument types is NULL, then the frequencies of all the items in x are returned, in the order in which these items appear in x.

If the argument types is a character vector or an object of the class types, then only the frequencies (in x) of the items in types are given, in the order in which these items appear in types. For all items in types that do not occur in x, a frequency of zero is returned.


Logical. Whether or not the items in the output should be given names. If with_names is TRUE, then the names of the types in the frequency list are used as names.


Additional arguments.


Numeric vector representing the frequencies of the items.

See Also



(flist <- freqlist("The man and the mouse.", as_text = TRUE))

type_freqs(flist) # frequencies of all items
type_names(flist) # names of all items

type_freqs(flist, with_names = TRUE) # frequencies of all types, with names
type_freqs(flist, c("man", "the")) # frequencies of specific items ...
type_freqs(flist, c("the", "man")) # ... in the requested order
type_freq(flist, "the")            # frequency of one item

# frequencies of specific items can also be printed using subsetting
flist[c("the", "man")] 

Return the names of the types in an object


This method returns the names of the types represented in an object.


type_names(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'assoc_scores'
type_names(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'freqlist'
type_names(x, ...)



An object of any of the classes for which the method is implemented.


Additional arguments.


Character vector.

See Also

Other getters and setters: n_tokens(), n_types(), orig_ranks(), ranks(), tot_n_tokens()


# for a freqlist object
(flist <- freqlist("The man and the mouse.", as_text = TRUE))


# for an assoc_scores object
a <- c(10,    30,    15,    1)
b <- c(200, 1000,  5000,  300)
c <- c(100,   14,    16,    4)
d <- c(300, 5000, 10000, 6000)
types <- c("four", "fictitious", "toy", "examples")

(scores <- assoc_abcd(a, b, c, d, types = types))

Build a 'types' object


This function builds an object of the class types.


  re_drop_line = NULL,
  line_glue = NULL,
  re_cut_area = NULL,
  re_token_splitter = re("[^_\\p{L}\\p{N}\\p{M}'-]+"),
  re_token_extractor = re("[_\\p{L}\\p{N}\\p{M}'-]+"),
  re_drop_token = NULL,
  re_token_transf_in = NULL,
  token_transf_out = NULL,
  token_to_lower = TRUE,
  perl = TRUE,
  blocksize = 300,
  verbose = FALSE,
  show_dots = FALSE,
  dot_blocksize = 10,
  file_encoding = "UTF-8",
  ngram_size = NULL,
  ngram_sep = "_",
  ngram_n_open = 0,
  ngram_open = "[]",
  as_text = FALSE



Either a list of filenames of the corpus files (if as_text is TRUE) or the actual text of the corpus (if as_text is FALSE).

If as_text is TRUE and the length of the vector x is higher than one, then each item in x is treated as a separate line (or a separate series of lines) in the corpus text. Within each item of x, the character "\\n" is also treated as a line separator.


NULL or character vector. If NULL, it is ignored. Otherwise, a character vector (assumed to be of length 1) containing a regular expression. Lines in x that contain a match for re_drop_line are treated as not belonging to the corpus and are excluded from the results.


NULL or character vector. If NULL, it is ignored. Otherwise, all lines in a corpus file (or in x, if as_text is TRUE), are glued together in one character vector of length 1, with the string line_glue pasted in between consecutive lines. The value of line_glue can also be equal to the empty string "". The 'line glue' operation is conducted immediately after the 'drop line' operation.


NULL or character vector. If NULL, it is ignored. Otherwise, all matches in a corpus file (or in x, if as_text is TRUE), are 'cut out' of the text prior to the identification of the tokens in the text (and are therefore not taken into account when identifying the tokens). The 'cut area' operation is conducted immediately after the 'line glue' operation.


Regular expression or NULL. Regular expression that identifies the locations where lines in the corpus files are split into tokens. (See Details.)

The 'token identification' operation is conducted immediately after the 'cut area' operation.


Regular expression that identifies the locations of the actual tokens. This argument is only used if re_token_splitter is NULL. (See Details.)

The 'token identification' operation is conducted immediately after the 'cut area' operation.


Regular expression or NULL. If NULL, it is ignored. Otherwise, it identifies tokens that are to be excluded from the results. Any token that contains a match for re_drop_token is removed from the results. The 'drop token' operation is conducted immediately after the 'token identification' operation.


Regular expression that identifies areas in the tokens that are to be transformed. This argument works together with the argument token_transf_out.

If both re_token_transf_in and token_transf_out differ from NA, then all matches, in the tokens, for the regular expression re_token_transf_in are replaced with the replacement string token_transf_out.

The 'token transformation' operation is conducted immediately after the 'drop token' operation.


Replacement string. This argument works together with re_token_transf_in and is ignored if re_token_transf_in is NULL or NA.


Logical. Whether tokens must be converted to lowercase before returning the result. The 'token to lower' operation is conducted immediately after the 'token transformation' operation.


Logical. Whether the PCRE regular expression flavor is being used in the arguments that contain regular expressions.


Number that indicates how many corpus files are read to memory ⁠at each individual step' during the steps in the procedure; normally the default value of ⁠300' should not be changed, but when one works with exceptionally small corpus files, it may be worthwhile to use a higher number, and when one works with exceptionally large corpus files, it may be worthwhile to use a lower number.


IfTRUE, messages are printed to the console to indicate progress.

show_dots, dot_blocksize

If TRUE, dots are printed to the console to indicate progress.


File encoding that is assumed in the corpus files.


Argument in support of ngrams/skipgrams (see also max_skip).

If one wants to identify individual tokens, the value of ngram_size should be NULL or 1. If one wants to retrieve token ngrams/skipgrams, ngram_size should be an integer indicating the size of the ngrams/skipgrams. E.g. 2 for bigrams, or 3 for trigrams, etc.


Character vector of length 1 containing the string that is used to separate/link tokens in the representation of ngrams/skipgrams in the output of this function.


If ngram_size is 2 or higher, and moreover ngram_n_open is a number higher than 0, then ngrams with 'open slots' in them are retrieved. These ngrams with 'open slots' are generalizations of fully lexically specific ngrams (with the generalization being that one or more of the items in the ngram are replaced by a notation that stands for 'any arbitrary token').

For instance, if ngram_size is 4 and ngram_n_open is 1, and if moreover the input contains a 4-gram "it_is_widely_accepted", then the output will contain all modifications of "it_is_widely_accepted" in which one (since ngram_n_open is 1) of the items in this n-gram is replaced by an open slot. The first and the last item inside an ngram are never turned into an open slot; only the items in between are candidates for being turned into open slots. Therefore, in the example, the output will contain "it_[]_widely_accepted" and "it_is_[]_accepted".

As a second example, if ngram_size is 5 and ngram_n_open is 2, and if moreover the input contains a 5-gram "it_is_widely_accepted_that", then the output will contain "it_[]_[]_accepted_that", "it_[]_widely_[]_that", and "it_is_[]_[]_that".


Character string used to represent open slots in ngrams in the output of this function.


Logical. Whether x is to be interpreted as a character vector containing the actual contents of the corpus (if as_text is TRUE) or as a character vector containing the names of the corpus files (if as_text is FALSE). If if as_text is TRUE, then the arguments blocksize, verbose, show_dots, dot_blocksize, and file_encoding are ignored.


The actual token identification is either based on the re_token_splitter argument, a regular expression that identifies the areas between the tokens, or on re_token_extractor, a regular expression that identifies the area that are the tokens. The first mechanism is the default mechanism: the argument re_token_extractor is only used if re_token_splitter is NULL. Currently the implementation of re_token_extractor is a lot less time-efficient than that of re_token_splitter.


An object of the class types, which is based on a character vector. It has additional attributes and methods such as:

An object of class types can be merged with another by means of types_merge(), written to file with write_types() and read from file with write_types().

See Also



toy_corpus <- "Once upon a time there was a tiny toy corpus.
It consisted of three sentences. And it lived happily ever after."
(tps <- types(toy_corpus, as_text = TRUE))

sort(tps, decreasing = TRUE)

Write association scores to file


This function writes an object of class assoc_scores to a file.


write_assoc(x, file = "", sep = "\t")



An object of class assoc_scores.


Name of the output file.


Field separator for the output file.


Invisibly, x.

See Also


Other writing functions: write_conc(), write_fnames(), write_freqlist(), write_tokens(), write_txt(), write_types()


txt1 <- "we're just two lost souls swimming in a fish bowl,
year after year, running over the same old ground,
what have we found? the same old fears.
wish you were here."
flist1 <- freqlist(txt1, as_text = TRUE)
txt2 <- "picture yourself in a boat on a river
with tangerine dreams and marmelade skies
somebody calls you, you answer quite slowly
a girl with kaleidoscope eyes"
flist2 <- freqlist(txt2, as_text = TRUE)
(scores <- assoc_scores(flist1, flist2, min_freq = 0))

write_assoc(scores, "")
(scores2 <- read_assoc(""))

Write a concordance to file.


This function writes an object of class conc to a file.


write_conc(x, file = "", sep = "\t")



Object of class conc.


Path to output file.


Field separator for the columns in the output file.


Invisibly, x.

See Also


Other writing functions: write_assoc(), write_fnames(), write_freqlist(), write_tokens(), write_txt(), write_types()


(d <- conc('A very small corpus.', '\\w+', as_text = TRUE))

write_conc(d, "")
(d2 <- read_conc(""))

Write a collection of filenames to a text file


This function writes an object of class fnames to a text file. Each filename is written in a separate line. The file encoding is always "UTF-8". In addition, it can store metadata in an additional configuration file.


write_fnames(x, file, ...)



Object of class fnames.


Path to output file.


Additional arguments (not implemented).


Invisibly, x.

See Also


Other writing functions: write_assoc(), write_conc(), write_freqlist(), write_tokens(), write_txt(), write_types()


cwd_fnames <- as_fnames(c("file1.txt", "file2.txt"))
write_fnames(cwd_fnames, "file_with_filenames.txt")
cwd_fnames_2 <- read_fnames("file_with_filenames.txt")

Write a frequency list to a csv file


This function writes an object of the class freqlist to a csv file. The resulting csv file contains two columns, the first being the type and the second being the frequency of that type. The file also contains a header line with the names of both columns.


write_freqlist(x, file, sep = "\t", make_config_file = TRUE, ...)



Object of class freqlist.


Character vector of length 1. Path to the output file.


Character vector of length 1. Column separator.


Logical. Whether or not a configuration file needs to be created. In most circumstances, this should be set to TRUE.


Additional arguments (not implemented).


write_freqlist not only writes to the file file, but also creates a configuration file with a name that is identical to file, except that it has the filename extension ".yaml". The frequency list attributes "tot_n_tokens" and "tot_n_types" are stored to that configuration file.


Invisibly, x.

See Also


Other writing functions: write_assoc(), write_conc(), write_fnames(), write_tokens(), write_txt(), write_types()


toy_corpus <- "Once upon a time there was a tiny toy corpus.
It consisted of three sentences. And it lived happily ever after."
freqs <- freqlist(toy_corpus, as_text = TRUE)

print(freqs, n = 1000)

write_freqlist(freqs, "example_freqlist.csv")
freqs2 <- read_freqlist("example_freqlist.csv")
print(freqs2, n = 1000)

Write a tokens object to a text file


This function writes an object of the class tokens to a text file. Each token is written to a separate line. The file encoding is always "UTF-8". This file can later be read with read_tokens().


write_tokens(x, file, ...)



An object of class tokens.


Name of the output file.


Additional arguments (not implemented).


Invisibly, x.

See Also


Other writing functions: write_assoc(), write_conc(), write_fnames(), write_freqlist(), write_txt(), write_types()


(tks <- tokenize("The old man and the sea."))
write_tokens(tks, "file_with_tokens.txt")
(tks2 <- read_tokens("file_with_tokens.txt"))

Write a character vector to a text file


This function writes a character vector to a text file. By default, each item in the character vector becomes a line in the text file.


write_txt(x, file = "", line_glue = "\n")



A character vector.


Name of the output file.


Character string to be used as end-of-line marker on disk or NA for no end-of-line marker (so that x becomes a single line).


Invisibly, x.

See Also


Other writing functions: write_assoc(), write_conc(), write_fnames(), write_freqlist(), write_tokens(), write_types()


x <- "This is
a small

# write the text to a text file
write_txt(x, "example-text-file.txt")
# read a text from file
y <- read_txt("example-text-file.txt")

Write a vector of types to a text file


This function writes an object of the class types to a text file. Each type is written to a separate line. The file encoding that is used is "UTF-8".


write_types(x, file, ...)



Object of class types.


Name of the output file


Additional arguments (not implemented).


Invisibly, x.

See Also


Other writing functions: write_assoc(), write_conc(), write_fnames(), write_freqlist(), write_tokens(), write_txt()


types <- as_types(c("first", "second", "third"))
write_types(types, "file_with_types.txt")
types_2 <- read_types("file_with_types.txt")

Make all values strictly higher than zero


This is an auxiliary function that makes all values in numeric vector x strictly positive by replacing all values equal to or lower than zero with the values in small.pos. small_pos stands for 'small positive constant'.


zero_plus(x, small_pos = 1e-05)



A numeric vector.


A (small) positive number to replace negative values and 0s.


A copy of x in which all values equal to or lower than zero are replaced by small_pos.


(x <- rnorm(30))